
It isn't meant to be an off road vehicle. It's meant to be marketed as one.

And? 99 percent of SUV buyers like to pretend they will use it off road and therefore car companies market it's off road capabilities. Yet the truth remains, 99 percent of SUV buyers are soccer moms.

The Cherokee shares its platform with the Dodge Dart. I think the engineers at Jeep probably got all the offroadability out of it already.

I guess I just don't see the people who take a brand new vehicle off road as those who are worried about money. Breaking parts on your new vehicle is more costly than gas.

If you can afford to take a brand new vehicle off-roading then you can afford the gas for a "real" off roader.

The demographic they are going after doesn't give a shit about lifting. Only how many kids and groceries can fit in it.

Let me know when a Range Rover does this

It has little to do with feeling special. Why buy any supercar when there is always cheaper cars that can outperform them? Even if they have to be modified. Switzer tuned GTRs destroy Veyrons all day. It doesn't sell more GTRs. There's just something about it.

I bought a Z31 because I wanted something different and

The Veyron (at it's time of introduction) was an engineering marvel. I mean 1,000hp "reliably" on a street legal hypercar? An insane top speed (being neck and neck with SSC for the record), hand built cars, etc etc. It's an awesome machine.

But I would agree. At $2m, there are tons of other cars. But it also comes

People who really care about their cars and are only slightly loaded are not the target market for veyrons. It's either people who just want something stupid expensive for the sake of being stupid expensive or people who already have two of everything.

Seriously, The South.....grow a pair.

I know there has been a lot of empathetic conversation about how the snow is really worse in the south (more ice) and they dont have a budget for snow removal etc but what i dont understand is these people knew this storm was coming and they decided to get on the roads anyway???

Here's a picture of all the Corvettes after the evacuation:

Or you could... you know... be a man and just as if you can put your arm around her.

There's no reason to drive a Panther, unless you're paid to do so.

Destroying a Panther is hardly a crime.

OMG!! Save the C4's!!!

This cannot be real...

This. I don't have a problem with instituting speed cameras in school zones (during times when school is starting/getting out) to catch people speeding 40+ in a 25. That's actually discouraging unsafe behavior