I was thinking about that earlier, starting with the same assumptions as you: That this can be inconvenient, but not harmful. Then I remembered modern traction controls.
I was thinking about that earlier, starting with the same assumptions as you: That this can be inconvenient, but not harmful. Then I remembered modern traction controls.
Or my clutch and non-abs brake pedals!
Good luck hacking my carburetor!
Was it Heineken, or do you just break out this story every time someone mentions beer?
At least the Agera has had meaningful changes, the Veyron just slaps on some paint and adds a longer name, lol.
heres the post with teh bugatti breakdown
LOL you're kidding right? Going from a N/A V8 to a turbo'd one is not considered an "incremental improvement." The Agera is a totally different car from the CC.
C8 and Ayers R look similar, but there are a lot more differences than you think. You should probably look it up before calling other people fools.
each of the koennies cars have been absolutely different from the last one unlike bugatti who slap on a paint scheme and a long ass name and call it new..dont even go there my friend :)
Dear VW.
Build a god damn street version of it.
Yes but they do the development and pre-builds and Production Trials ( I'm trying to keep the industry terms out of it to simplify. Unless you know what a PTR,PPAP, etc. Are?). They test material and reliability ( known legal standards like FMVSS) and if everything goes well and the material certification is good…
Its very easy to make the mistake. The wrong material gets delivered, the wrong pipe gets connected to the mold machine, the supplier has no idea what they are getting from the resin supplier.
They didn't think they were cheaping out. That's the point. The parts were counterfeit, i.e. not up to the specs Aston was paying for.
"Fuckin' noobs. If you really wanna burn Shaun White, all you gotta do is rise."
Watch it turn up with a Nyan cat wrap in the Gumball Rally being driven by Dennis Rodman and being pitched as Will.i.am's latest business venture. Mark my words.
I didn't know Russia has a F1 team,
I think with the increasing prevalence of hackers, its a matter of time before some celebrities car is shut down at an inopportune moment. You can't have a remote activated switch and not expect people will figure out how to flip it for fun, profit, kidnapping, extortion or murder.
What's billed as a convenience is…
It's not a giant engine unless it fills the trunk and rear seat space. Otherwise it's just a larger engine. But Audi can do a lot more with their 2 liter, like 300 bhp or so. ~250 bhp I'd say is in mild tune.
It comes HELLAFLUSH out of the box?
I'm sure the gold imparts a fantastic taste to the Champagne.