I thought we got rid of that Kony asshole back in 2012.
I thought we got rid of that Kony asshole back in 2012.
Michael Oher Says The Blind Side Was Bad For His Career
How many Cavs fans do you think went out and bought Dellavedova jerseys after Game 3? Dozens? Hundreds? Hahaha, fuckers.
Would that be the one that said “Giants 6, Cardinals 3”?
I love that the first conversational mention of Storm Troopers in Star Wars occurs in Ep IV at the sand crawler when Obi is explaining to Luke how “only they” have such precise blaster accuracy. And then for the next three movies they proceed to fire weapons and never hit fucking anything.
I guess they’re still pretty close, and that’s cool and all, but there’s no need to brag about it. My little league coach was there when I lost my virginity, and the tears were in my eyes, and you don’t hear him blubbering to the Mercury News about it. “Act like you been there before,” Coach Barry would say. I did. I d…
+1 certain set of skills
Liam Neeson did a great job as the giant in tonight’s episode!!!
Uhmmm I think the idea of bracelets that synchronize with music sounds like an AWESOME idea, even without them saving lives. I want one.
“It seems odd to fire a coach who led his team to the playoffs in each of his five seasons.”
I consider myself a very rational, levelheaded person, but by the end of that Top 10 list I was about 30% convinced Andy Kaufman was going to deliver number 1.
That’s good news- I was hit in the head by an 80+ fastball in high school and I trunesdf ot js gine
He should be in that Pixels movie since he's the human manifestation of the cheating AI in NBA JAM
So the two guys collected their paychecks, poked at each other for a while, and then they gave the win to the guy who’s chasing the undefeated record.
It’s going to be so satisfying to watch when someone eventually beats the shit out of him.