
This doesn’t really work for high-cost-of-living areas. I live in one of the most expensive parts of the country and while I make good money, there is literally not a single house listed on Zillow for 3X my annual income. There are a handful of condos and apartments, but nothing I’d want to live in, let alone own.

This is also a valid method! It’s just a Thing I Will Never Do.

They are employees. And they deserve full pay and benefits. And that companies can essentially buy ballot measures through spendings of millions is the other thing that is wrong with America.

um, no, they don’t pass 1) or 2). They have some control over drivers in that they penalize them if they aren’t accepting “enough” rides. They also control what they pay drivers; drivers are not free to negotiate their own rates. 

Uber and Lyft set requirements for what kind of cars they can drive, and they set the fares for the rides. They have a lot of control over the drivers.

I don’t think that is nearly as clear cut as you suggest, nor apparently do the lawyers and courts involved.

The new school year is going to be three flavors of epic disaster.

Conservatives will have a field day at first, with the combination of mass teacher retirements and “look, you cowards, everything’s fine.”

And then we get to teachers dying, which isn’t going to play great, because every city in America is going to have

I, for one, enjoy Erik’s articles. Can’t say that I have much issue with any of them.

Too many of you like to whine and get butthurt about stuff that really doesn’t matter. Don’t like Erik’s writing? Don’t click his articles.

Covid-19 will be renamed the Harmless Imaginary Virus.

I don’t enjoy a lot of his blogs or his general writing style, but it’s possible to enjoy cars while simultaneously understanding they don’t belong everywhere all the time.

Ah, yes, because if there’s one thing we’ve all learned over the last few weeks, it’s that the cops can be trusted to do the right thing.

I’m convinced that most major corporations are just a house of cards — nothing more than accounting tricks to keep their heads barely above water while the executives enrich themselves. Tap one little card at the bottom and everything comes crashing down, except for executive salaries of course. Gotta take care of

take your usernames advice. 

I get the sentiment, but it’s the logic I have difficulty with.

Just because you agree with it, doesn't make it unbiased. That's not how it works. It simply makes it in line with your own bias.

I’m fortunate, I guess, in that my first and still primary association with Santander is that they were a Ferrari F1 sponsor, so I was definitely surprised, given the upscale association, that they were a subprime lender.

How to Fit Your Bike Helmet

A bike helmet can literally save your life if you fall and hit your head during a ride—but it’ll do you way less

for sure man!

“Sounds enticing, but that is an expensive burden...”

That video was clearly shot with a cell phone (rather than one of those vehicle video cameras that are always running and pointing in the same direction) by someone who was following. So, whoever that person is, he or she knew something was about to go down even though no one was on camera when it started. So that