
That’s ESPN’s argument too - but I don’t agree with it. The way one discovers information is important, otherwise HIPAA laws wouldn’t exist. Their lawyer say that JPP’s case is baseless because “Plaintiff’s theory is that it is fine to quote from a document, but it is unlawful to attach a photo of similar words as

It starts off really well and finishes really well, but the middle is a slog. For the later books written by him, Jordan intentionally slowed the actual pace of events in the books slows down as some weird “meta” representation of the evil lord gaining in strength in his attempt to freezing the world. It works about

Robert Jooooorrrdan Roobbbeeeerrrtt Jooooorrrrrdddannnnnnn!!!

Playing the anthem early pretty much proves the uselessness of playing it at all, right?

“We don’t want Megan Rapinoe to cause a scene, so we’re going to cause a scene.”

Just a reminder of some of the things that have happened since Rae Carruth’s arrest and conviction:

This seems like a perfect segue into a story about the lack of minorities working in NFL front offices.

The AP has been roundly criticized for this claim that its “half of the people she met with.” That’s blatantly false. Its half of the non-governmental people she met with *whose names the AP could find*. She obviously met with many many many more than 165 people. She regularly did speaking events where she would meet

But many of these people were people she would have met with already, money or no money. The list of 85 people includes multiple Nobel Peace Prize winners, Ben Affleck and George Clooney (who unfortunately get lots of access in Washington for their activist activities already), etc.

Oh my god, I’m so sick of saying this, THAT’S NOT HOW THE FUCKING FIRST AMENDMENT WORKS.

What is it with you, Hope Solo, and this “cowardly” stuff?

U.S. Soccer is a bunch of hypocrites considering Tim Howard has been blurting out inappropriate things his entire career.

Hoisted by your own pedantard

He said “so every other play didn’t end with a shredded ligament.” Why don't YOU try some reading comprehension?

the four swimmers spoke to U.S. State Department officials and they agreed to shut up. Almost immediately after the briefing, Lochte “walked across the street” and gave an interview

A bronzed god with silver hair issues forth a golden shower.

I understand your concern but don’t know why you’re implicating me in all this.

Not the idiot we want, but the idiot we deserve.

Now we now why the damn pool turned green