The Warriors losing Bogut was huge for Kyrie’s success this series. He’s always been incredible at getting to the rim and finishing, so not having a giant tree in the forest to get in his way as a final line of defense was pivotal.
The Warriors losing Bogut was huge for Kyrie’s success this series. He’s always been incredible at getting to the rim and finishing, so not having a giant tree in the forest to get in his way as a final line of defense was pivotal.
I can’t remember who said it after Blatt was fired — I want to say it was either someone with the Heat or JVG — but they made the point that if LeBron is so hard to coach and is such a coach-killer, why do all 30 coaches want him on their teams?
“You’re making the biggest mistake of my career.”- Pat Riley
Yeah, but up until this season, the winningest NBA team hadn’t choked.
I would pay any amount of money for this. Literally any amount of money
I guess you could say that the death line-up’s play on the court in Game 7 was
At least Curry had a good Father’s Day, he got to spend it playing basketball with his daddy.
You don’t even understand that burrito bowls are better how am I supposed to trust your sports takes now
Dirk Nowitzki winning his fist championship was amazing for a couple reasons. First, there will never be another player like Dirk...7 footer 3-point specialist who could dance around in the post like Fred Astaire? That’s videogame poppycock, not real life. But what was even better is that he was one of the only…
Tiger winning his first Masters. I came around to him eventually, but at the time he was just hype to me. Then he demolished the field in a way that didn’t seem possible.
The game 2 comeback of that series is one of my favorite NBA moments. The Mavs down 15 with six minutes to go in the 4th quarter, Lebron and Wade taunting Dirk over his broken finger and sneeezing through the flu, pissing him off thoroughly - that’s the moment when Lebron threw away the easiest shot at a ring he’s had…
Mavs beating Heat for the 2011 NBA championship. After all the “talents” and the multiple promised championships, t’was the sweetest schadenfreude moment ever for me
Ironically, Mavs beating the Heat in 2011. I am a sucker for LeBron’s stupid narrative. I think his next step should be WWE. I’m only kind-of kidding.
2 things:
In early 2003 I got back into NBA ball after a long hiatus (I’d spent my childhood watching Bird’s Celtics but fell out of sports fandom in my teen years and into my early twenties). That spring, I saw an ESPN Magazine cover with some dude on it, labeling him the future of basketball. Curious, I picked it up, and read…
It’s my understanding the opt out was always intended to match the inflating cap when the new TV deals kicked in. There’s gonna be almost $25 million more on the cap this year. He wanted to get to that $30 million/year mark, which he will. Which he deserves.
Can we please give Cleveland a few days before we have to deal with this bullshit again?
Last night was amazing. I went downtown to watch the game. I’ve never been with a more electric crowd and when they won it was louder than any place I’ve ever been.