I agree with everything you said and just want to add: The NBA postseason is regularly the best post-season of any sport body. Has been the last, oh, 10 years or so at least.
I agree with everything you said and just want to add: The NBA postseason is regularly the best post-season of any sport body. Has been the last, oh, 10 years or so at least.
This is a decidedly bad take. Curry is closer to Bird than you think. Bird's 2pt% is .509, Curry's is .503. Bird's eFG% is effectively meaningless because he took less threes a game for his career than Stephen Curry has made in any one season, 1.9 vs 2.0, but if we were to include it, Curry wins in a landslide. And…
Conspicuously, 0 of the top 5 players are on the Raptors.
I’m really glad that this year, 4 of the top 5 players in the NBA are all in what is basically the semifinals, and can all conceivably win the Larry O’Brien Trophy. A few weeks ago, I was positive that all of the playoffs were irrelevant, except for what I assumed would be a Spurs-Warriors WCF- the winner of which, I…
I couldn’t help but think this is every high pressure offensive set for the Thunder the last 4 years.
Those GIF’s show just how stagnant the Thunder offense is. Every Warrior has both eyes on the ball, Steph is the only one (in the 1st GIF) who even looks between man and ball. If you’re going to let Klay Thompson and Steph conserve energy on the defensive end you’re going to get more of those 9-0, 12-2, etc. runs that…
Reggie also did something really strange to Andrew Bogut’s name. I can’t really describe what he did to “Andrew,” but “Bogut” came out “bawget.”
In a better world there would be an entire deadspin post on that. It was peak Reggie Miller Announcing.
I think part of it is suspensions — no key rotational guy wants to sit 3-5 games and leave their team a man short because a guy is pummeling you 28 feet out — and part of it is the Warriors personnel. They have enough guys who are not afraid to scrap like Dray, Ezeli, and even Klay whose presence protects Steph like…
I know exactly how Curry feels when I throw up a Jeopardy answer and walk away without hearing Trebek confirming it correct. (65% it is)
Steph Curry: The only guy whose pull-up foot-on-the-line during a 3-on-1 break is not a “NO NO NO NO NO YES” shot.
“Just stahp” would be proper internet spelling: Stahp!!
I would venture to guess that if you were to take any 2 random games played during this season, with any two teams, you would get somewhere around 12-15 lottery picks out of the 20 starters in those games. There are 14 lottery picks a year.
The only reason he joined Twitter is because someone told him he could block people.
I put Jon Snow at best odds. I think the only real twist left is one that everyone assumes as fact (R + L = J), and because we’re in the third act it’s going to be impossible to continue the subverting-fantasy-story-conventions thing. Jon is one of the heroes, and he will do lots of heroing the rest of the way.
Obviously, Ramsay is an all-timer for creepy tv characters, but, dear fucking lord, does the kid who plays Robin Arryn creep me out. He’s so tall and gangly and weird and breast-fed and awkward. That kid moves like his arms and legs are 9 feet long. I am actually physically uncomfortable every time he’s on the screen.…
I agree.
Before they hand down any punishments, maybe the IOC can first explain why they apparently keep 8 year old jars full of urine.