Conversion rate is still just over 50%. It’s a safe decision depending on the teams playing, and the situation.
Conversion rate is still just over 50%. It’s a safe decision depending on the teams playing, and the situation.
Check out last season’s GB/AZ playoff game for the opposite side of the argument. Mike McCarthy — a noted conservative coach — failed to recognize that his team had a better chance of winning by going for a 2-pt conversion at the end of the game vs. tying with a 1-pt kick and forcing OT.
Suspicion, proven guilt — this is Deadspin, my friend!
This. Also, it’s worth noting that the NBA’s forecast for the cap rising predicted this, and Silver tried to smooth out the cap increases by proposing that all contracts be inflated by the percentage that the cap was rising by (the proposal was rejected by the NBPA).
Strike or no, the NBPA is 100% going to opt-out. Roberts has been talking up the importance of the looming deadline since she took the job, and her language doesn’t really strike me as someone that’s amused or satisfied with the current CBA. She and the players know that the NBPA got railroaded by the owners in the…
To be fair, Rivera was actually still playing at a high level during his final year (unlike Pettite/Jeter).
Melo and Kyrie. Durant et all spent all game chucking up bricks//unable to get to the hole, but in the 4th, Kyrie did the yeoman’s work of driving into the lane to keep USA afloat when the jumpers weren’t falling.
Brian Shaw.
So is it just me not fully comprehending the nuances of the situation, or is this a double standard? I don’t seem to recall the NBA fining LeBron et all for wearing “I can’t breathe” shirts during warm-ups a few years ago in the wake of that tragedy. I know this has happened more than once in the NBA in the last few…
It’s funny because until after the All-Star break (and even heading into the playoffs), the Thunder weren’t even considered one of those three teams. People expected the top 3 to be the Cavs, Warriors, and the Spurs, and placed the Thunder just a step below.
I don’t often get sentimental, but the loss of Timmy hit me hard yesterday, even though I’m not a fan of the Spurs. But man, the story of TD pranking Pop is just so heartwarmingly funny. I will miss Tim Duncan and his amazingly underrated sense of humor.
I’m not saying that they weren’t trying to make deals ahead of time. The issue is that the Celtics/Ainge were reportedly holding out before the season, during the season, at the trade deadline, then at the season’s end, because they wanted to get a better deal. I’ve also seen multiple reports of them trying to…
Yeah, beyond the #2 pick, it was a real crapshoot. Frankly, the Celtics lost a lot of leverage by waiting until draft night to make deals, and the salary cap explosion is doing them no favors. Teams want first round draft picks to fill in roster gaps at specific positions or to shore up a bench — needs they’d have…
Steals are in no way a good measure of good defense. Steph Curry led the league in steals this year — is he the best defender in the league?
I mean, if you’re comparing Jordan’s D to LeBron’s.. I don’t think the gap is nearly as big as you’d expect. LeBron guards 1-4, and has even guarded centers for brief stretches of time. He is a top-notch defender, and you can certainly make the argument that he deserved DPOY in 2013 over Gasol.
The rule states that a trapped ball occurs when all 3 events — hand, ball, glass — occur at the same time. Here, hand hits ball first, then glass.
Read your own damn comment, you moron. “Must ALL OCCUR AT THE SAME TIME.” A batted ball against the backboard is not a trapped ball.
I said this earlier to another commenter —
More importantly — “figuring out” is one thing. Actually executing is another. Look at the Thunder — up 3-1 in the series, couldn’t close it out due to a lack of defensive polish in Games 5-7. To even achieve that sort of discipline (which can take YEARS to develop), you need to have the personnel to beat the Warriors…