
In defence of an economic crossover vehicle, is it absolutely foolish to want a little higher view going down the road...surrounded by a greater sense of security? At sixty-five and struggling with cancer, I appreciate the expanded view my used RDX gives me, and in my weakness I appreciate the added sense of strength

The Lord is in His holy temple; let all the earth keep silent before Him.

Some of these troubled folks are wearing dresses that garnish the female breast as if they meant to be provocative to the onlooker. “Me too” really means that I will dress provocatively and then cry “wolf” when I provoke the lusts of folks seemingly worse than me. Pure Hollywood. Acting. Acting. Acting.

The kneeling is a good start. Jesus said, “Every knee shall bow!” Kneel and turn to Christ. Better hope than standing for an anthem.

It needed to be defanged. Kaepernick was only fueling the flames of hate in the guise of bravery. His was a pouting boy challenge through and through...justifying every fourth grader to stubbornly stay seated (for whatever cause) at the school convocation when ask to stand. It’s as if Kaepernick understands the wounds

Does anyone know if ultra provocative dress advertising protruding nipples, endless cleavage, and bouncing buttocks would be considered sexual harassment, something akin to public exposure? I’m sure “Jezebel” wouldn’t have a clue.