
I’m glad that TFA basically sidestepped the old EU story of Jacen Solo going bad in an attempt to use the same power as his gandfather only it slowly corrupted him all on his own....and went straight for Ben Solo/Kylo Ren is already bad, and was actually seduced to the dark side by a really powerful dark side user

Oh, that’s a solid point. I could definitely see that.

I know. That’s what I said.

Yes, the Republic still exists, as does the First Order.

I think Snoke actually looks like that...he’s just projecting himself as a giant to them because....he’s a sith. But I don’t think you make up a hologram with a giant face scar if you are looking to fool them like the Wizard of Oz. You do a big imposing perfect mask....not a wizened Gollumlike scarred face. That’s

Snoke seems to be Plagueis. If you were Plagueis and your apprentice tried to unsuccessfuly murder you, and lead the ghalaxy itno Empire and Civil War....would you get involved...or wait till the end of it, the dust clears....and your path to TRULY rule the galaxy is far easier? If Snoke is Plagueis, it makes PERFECT

They don’t want to ignore anything. The NEw Canon story group exists to make sure everything connects.

Indeed. I think, killing his dad helped him turn further dark (if not all the way), but it completely unsettled him and made him less-able when fighting Finn and Rey....and then when she turns the tables on him, it’s just badass. But yeah, Driver did the emotional balance thing PERFECTLY. I bought it hook, line, and

I’m expecitng Rey’s mother to be the New Canon equivalent of Mara Jade. Whether she’s currently dead (Killed b Kylo in his Academy raid), or possibly in hiding after dropping Rey off on Jakku....I dunno...but I’m convinced we are getting something like her in EpVIII.

Han looks at her multiple times VERY knowlingly. He’s her uncle.

Easily my fave X-Wing moment. Sharshooting Stormtroopers on thre ground AND missing the good guys in the process? Poe is awesome. And considering he grew up on Yavin 4 next to one of only two Force Trees (Luke had the other; found in the SHATTERED EMPIRE comic and given to Poe’s parents and planted in their new home

Close. Palps and Plagueis screw with the force to prolong their own lives, and the Force lashes back at them by creating Anakin out of nothing as a balance (Source: New Canon novel TARKIN)

Except her mother AND father don’t acknowledge her throughout the movie? Nah, she’s Luke’s.

I think Rey’s mother is this Canon’s Mara Jade (whatever they decide to call her) and Leia TOTALLY saw that in her face.

Yeah, he definitely knew her with that look, but it wasn’t fatherly. Uncle who has seen some shit... would be spot on.


I also need the audio sample of Maz calling Chewie her boyfriend and then saying “I LIKE that wookie.”

Absolute brilliant line.

And THAT stormtrooper was Daniel Craig in a cameo!

What do we think Luke was looking for at the “first” Jedi Temple (as Leia termed it)? Is he just in solace after Ben’s turn and attack? I doubt that. He’s seeeking knowledge or something.