
I just feel sorry for everyone. I am lucky to have been to jail for a few minor things (breaking apartment lease, not going to court = court of contempt and they WILL issue warrant for your 18-year-old broke ass!) and to have met women who have lost babies to drugs. I no longer have any anger or judgment, it’s all

I could hock it for a nice vacation tho 

This is a weird thread. Why do you think Sardonicuss is doing this? We all agree recreational murder of bobcats is bad, but this doesn’t seem to be what happened. Think it’s just that they pulled themselves up on a big self-righteous hill made of starving baby bobcats and don’t know how to climb back down?

Oh I see, the whole killed 3000 people in a war. It’s a war people die, why does that make people uncomfortable?

I think the camping people probably said last night was Baltic, meaning very cold, rather than bolted.

Fair enough.

Ooh what do you think the monument is going to be? I’m imagining a giant fetus with a halo floating in heaven on a cloud above a burning Planned Parenthood surrounded by caricatures of doctors as demons.

“the anti-immigrant, far-right rhetoric that is seeded deep within the highest levels of American government is not a uniquely American problem...”

Yeah, I’m sure Diana is seeing that and feeling very choked up and honored right now. In fact, I bet she stopped picking out her afro to call her about it.

Damn it Japan.

Well this took a hard turn..

I say good on the celebrities that backed this. I thought Paul McCartney’s take on it was especially touching.

Lets be clear, Woody Allen is a disgusting asshole who makes shit movies that people in France don’t watch, his distributor can defend him all he wants his films don’t make money in France, les Tuches3 will get more bums on seats than any crap this creep releases and the opinions of two old ladies do not represent 60

Tan suit: never forget!

I bought it because I am Lazy AF. After reading I can ask it to turn off the light without turning over and getting out from the covers. When I wake up in the middle of the night, I can find out what time it is without putting on my glasses or even opening my eyes. If they figure out how to make it pee for me, I will

Lady’s got a point. Most of the country’s women have not accused Roy Moore of hitting on them as teenagers. In fact, 100% of unborn women, if we—if we’re talking unborn children women—which is what we really should care about, the unborn women in this country that Democrats are trying to murder—100% of unborn women

I have to be honest, and I’m sure I’ll receive flack for it, but I get what she’s saying. Yes, women should be able to walk into a business meeting (regardless of the unusual setting that it’s taking place in) and be safe.

You have to admit though, this uptight, flutter-sleeved, turtleneck, sweater-weight, tucked-in, straining both literally and figuratively, unflattering, boob-mashing “garment” is the perfect look for standing in a newsroom and rigidly rambling on about a list of movies that make you sound like you have multiple,

personally, i run out of the bathroom at top speed screaming and disavowing any knowledge of what just occurred.