
Yes, you lot as white people because it was white people acting the fucking fool and wanting to go back to the days when racism was blatant voted for this rotting pumpkin looking motherfucker. I’m supposed to not point that out because it hurts your white fee fees? Get the entire fuck out of here with that fuckery.

My point isn’t that we don’t need whites in order to achieve our goals. In fact it’s the exact opposite. Black people need white people to affect any change. That’s true. But my point is: THINK HOW RACIST THAT IS. We need white people to stop being racist. And when someone says “Don’t offend us because you need our

You’re missing my point. A white person saying “You (black people) need white people’s approval to get what you want” shows the incredible racism of whites, including liberals. And coming from a supposed Bernie supporter shows exactly what us blacks worry about from white liberalism.

I get that “Blame Wypipo” gets you clicks and high-fives, but like it or not you need us to effect any kind of lasting change.

This is really the problem here. It’s one thing if you want to say “there are some places where a pro-choice Democrat is never going to win” and make an argument for realpolitik over ideological purity. But then you turn around and waffle on supporting a guy with a TON of genuine grassroots energy behind him because

JT has room for improvement in many areas, but on women’s issues he usually says/does the right thing.

I would have more respect for Bernie Sanders if he had run as an Independent or Socialist candidate, but he jumped to the Democratic party and then threw a massive hussy fit because enough voters chose to vote for a candidate who had spent decades working for that party.

Wait, really? That’s amazing. I know JTrue isn’t perfect but when he’s good, he’s good.

Yeah I think we can exclude these people. I think it’s time to stop half-assing things. Let’s go “liberal hardliner” and build a party that gives a damn about all the important issues and stops trying to make functional compromises. Because that has clearly NOT worked.

The rights that I have to do with my body is not a bargaining chip.

This is an issue on which there can be no compromise. Up here in Canada, when Trudeau took over the Liberals he made it clear that anyone who was anti-choice should leave the party. There were a few grouchy op-eds about it, a few dissenters, however in the end it was accepted.

Exactly. We have to focus on the *real* issues. And women, LGBTQ, POC need to take a seat. Hmmm that sounds like what we’ve been doing since the inception of the country! Fuck that.

“The same debates that divided Democrats throughout the 2016 presidential primary—over how and when to prioritize economic populism and reproductive rights—threaten to make it more difficult for Democrats to rally around the very candidates who could help the party make inroads in conservative parts of the country.”

And yet he jumped down Hillary’s throat because she endorsed a $12 vs $15 minimum wage based on actual progressive economists research.


As for Ossoff, Flores said, the candidate “has not taken a definitive stance on some progressive issues” including advocating a single-payer universal health care system, or raising the minimum wage to 15 dollars an hour, and believes that “may be part of the problem for Senator Sanders.”

For someone who is not a Democrat, Sanders spends a lot of time dictating how the party should run. He has been harmful not helpful to the party and the DNC needs to stop acting like making overtures to him accomplishes anything. All of this is just about Sanders’ ego.

““Let me tell you, as far as American elections go, history tells you that white people are gonna white.”


I get that “Blame Wypipo” gets you clicks and high-fives, but like it or not you need us to effect any kind of lasting change.