B&B Enterprises

I have to speak with ground-level Democratic Party operatives in purple states weekly. Near as I can tell there is no 2018 plan or 2020 plan or 2024 plan. The plan is apparently to wait out demographic shifts and cross their fingers that future Asians and Hispanics will be interested in a party that abdicated

Given that Democrats seem to be doing absolutely nothing besides breathlessly declaring “Can you imagine if OBAMA had done _______________?!?”, there’s absolutely no reason to believe he’s not right. What’s happening with the anti-gerrymandering plan that Holder and Obama are supposedly working on? Where’s the

Lol right on cue, someone repeating a complete lie they saw on Twitter.

It’s funny how many pop-culture obsessed political media types conveniently forgot/ignored that it was a Game of Thrones reference.

It takes less than 10 minutes for Light to transform from a term-paper-selling loser who lives so close to the train tracks that his dishes rumble off the dinner table into a remorseless Angel-Of-Death-in-training.

Just like you don’t hear tires squealing when a jet liner lands, dishes really don’t rattle near a train. Movies have silly cliches

An Oral History of The Gayest Bomb of All Time Joke

AV Club, interview Cum Town.

I’m sure the comments will fill up with all of that shortly. Saying that they use slurs, pretending Virgil and Amber don’t exist, blaming a comedy podcast for the rise of fascism...can’t wait!

It was a Game of Thrones reference to establishment liberal pricks that includes everyone in the center you moron

keep fucking that chicken friend

“People, you know how we have a website where our newswire, daily features and new tv/music/movie reviews are all on the same fairly easy to view page along with a robust and invested commenting community? I have a brilliant fucking idea. What if we don’t? Boom, bang, we can print the money!”

I enjoy scrolling through a comment thread and then being brought back to the top of the thread at random!

And without the left-punching and factual errors that almost every other article about Chapo has.

“...that’s the mix we’re going to get for the foreseeable future: a combination of known horrors, unknown horrors, and things we never accounted for, because we never thought we would get this future.”

As a Brit, I enjoyed the episodes around the General Election and Jeremy Corbyn’s surprise surge earlier this summer. Jez In My Pants, one of them delighted in being called.

It took me like 5 minutes to even find the WOT post, as the homepage just seems to randomly list new and old things in no particular order, and there is no /recent page.

By the way, AV Club, unless I’m being an idiot (a distinct possibility), it appears there’s no link to get you back to the main AV Club page once you click on a tv or film club link. If true, that would be pretty fuckin stupid and inconvenient.