
I... wonder what’s the point of piling on older cars safety-wise. I mean, safer cars are still not an excuse for bad driving. Besides, I don’t think cars past or present were designed with free falls in mind.

Heh, you just said what I was trying to say in a thread above in far fewer words. I’d probably do a loading screen for $3k, but I also have a full-time job (getting paid for art is a side gig for me, and I prefer it that way). So yeah, it really comes down to the individual.

Do enough butt stomps and your ass will be flat too.

Oh this is interesting, because I would’ve put the brothers in their mid forties.

If all you can muster is an oversimplification of the whole issue there is absolutely no point in talking to you.

We are not doing your fucking homework for you, watch it and form an opinion BY YOURSELF instead of relying in the interpretation of someone else, regarding if you trust it or not if you pretend to go on about your life defending one thing vs the other.

I can solve that for you, go watch the special

Criticism is saying "I don't like what you are saying." Calling for someone to lose their status in society is beyond criticism and the major problem with our society today

Dave's overarching theme was that the LGBTQ community picks and chooses when they want you to accept them as normal and when they want you to treat them with kid gloves. And really the bigger issue to him is that the White community allows them to do it but no other marginalized community

I keep seeing people dissecting his act without even having watched it. Which of them is going to break that streak? Weird that the burden of due diligence is lower for people trying to drum of public support for cancelling someone than it is for some random person in the comments section calling them out for it.

I’m not saying this was Dave’s funniest act, but the points he made were clear. These Netflix employees did not watch through the end of Dave’s routine and also don’t understand sarcasm. Their reactions are exactly what Dave was poking fun at.

Why should my annual income determine my credit score? I know people who make over $100k/year and have absolutely horrible money handling skills and know people who make $40k or less and have awesome money handling skills.

Now yes, in any given credit situation your income and the credit limit (or price of the item)

Unless I am much younger than I thought, Beast Wars didn't come out in 2006.

Ya, this is why I kinda rolled my eyes at some of the stories. There’s no excuse for toxic work culture or full on nastiness that has been reported. But there were a handful of people who were just like, “She barely even said hi!” or “She didn’t know my name!” She can’t be expected to be besties with everyone.

This is an argument I keep seeing that is starting to make me nuts. Just because they were too blind (and horrid) to understand the vile nature of how children in cages is frankly inhuman (the people who did that are frankly subhuman. You’d put a rabid dog down, part of me thinks that might be applicable here. And

While I like Kate alot...her origin is far from interesting. She’s basically Batman: Rich girl who was assaulted who then trained a bunch.

I think my husband and I watched a different movie from other people, if the comments are anything to go by.

You misunderstood. I said ‘stop looking for color’. I never said I was blind to racism. I know it exists. But it does not permeate every facet of life. It must be awful for you. Btw, so we’re clear, I’m half black. Do not look white, please do not assume what either race’s privilege is. Being in the middle and seeing

No it’s not bound to any “race” (I would challenge the use of that word, but that’s another topic), when a society make progress in its respect for the individual rights and human rights, everyone profit from it, even the disenfranchised, whatever group that is at that point.

Nazis were a specific group of people. And while that group has been inexorably linked with the *IDEOLOGY* they espoused, that ideology can and does exist apart from that group. Radical nationalism, racial-purity zealotry, etc, etc — they are not specifically a ‘white-only’ club. It’s just as problematic in the Middle