
Great recap. I'm sad this is the last one.
I don't really worry too much about the time line on these shows because there is much more stuff that doesn't make sense - but I still enjoy the bromance.
I hope it gets renewed.

I think she is going to kidnap Neal - but they won't know if he ran away with her or if he was kidnapped - Peter will wonder about that diamond conversation. That will keep Peter in NYC. I think Neal will pretend to go with her willingly to save Mozzie and then leave hints for Peter to find him. That's a whole lot of

Bomer is under a 7 year contract. I'm assuming that means something. In my head they haven't told us yet, because it makes the end of the season more cliff - hangery.
I think there will be a hunt for Neal after he's kidnapped by Rebecca next season.

She's going to escape and kidnap him is my guess. That's the only thing that would keep Peter from going to DC.

Peter is not going to DC. The only thing that would keep him in NYC is if something happened to Neal. Pretty sure Rebecca is going to kidnap Neal in the season finale.
I predict next season (if they have a next season) will have a few episodes of Neal leaving Peter clues about where they are.

I agree totally. In the early episodes/seasons he could do no wrong - and that was annoying because it seemed impossible that Peter could catch him. But now they have over corrected and Neal is a hot mess. It could be I suppose since his dad. But it doesn't fit quite right. And I agree that the statement about him

Remind me again about the upper FBI guys that were out for Peter/Neal ? Did we wrap that up totally?
Could Rebecca be FBI working for them, blackmailing Hagen. And going rogue.

I think Rebecca - Hagan is too obvious. But I don't trust her. She either has her own plans for decoding the Codex or she was retained by Peter after the first incident and she is working for the FBI - but they haven't hinted to that at all.
I was disappointed not to have Peter have a moment of appreciation or

I thought the same thing about Bomer's eyes -particularly during that exchange with Peter at the restaurant - he looked mad and uncomfortable and crushed at the same time.