
And what happened to those men when they returned home? They were forced out into the cold, put on a list to stop them getting jobs and made to feel ashamed for daring to fight fascism. To this day that piece of legislation exists.


Consoles "keep up" with PC's in the same way I can keep up with Usain Bolt, by shooting him in the leg.

"accuses merigoldsass of being a pc elitist" "PC gaming is dead"

It would have helped your "I don't support this console vs pc war" point if you hadn't posted that moronic paragraph above.

Because 1 game is having a hacking problem? If there was ever proof of how the star system doesn't work it's commenter's like you.

Have fun masturbating, sure as hell the closest thing you're ever going to get to sex.

What eletism and drama now? Because to think there are no fanboys on other platforms is silly. No drama on other platforms? That would mean you would have to ignore past and on-going events.

He's a sony fanboy and gets extremely aggressive against anyone that says anything slightly negative against them.

This is an exception and far from the rule.

It would help if EA wasn't so painfully useless. These guys have had a server for a while (a server where you can play with other hackers?) and EA have done nothing.

"the problem of foreign thieves that steal and sell American inventions and products."

It's actually true, there are only like 25 north Korean refugees in the US.

I can't be bothered with threads like these but I have a simple question. Have you got some sort of consensus from gay friends or a gay community that they find these remarks offensive, or are you simply being offended on their behalf?

Why thank you :), If I seem like an idiot to you I don't care. I've actually managed to argue a point instead of making a dickish initial post and posting drivel after. I would have happily backed down if you had given any kind of coherent argument, but you just continued to post crap without giving and kind of

Well it was a retarded post you did nothing but call people "idiots" and "bastards" and considering you have not even offered a rebuttal an example or anything really, you've not argued your point.

I really liked the white gel, the puzzles felt less linear with it. Like there was a set way to complete the level but it was up to you to out figure how to use the gel.

you're partially right, I don't back down in the face of someone that can't argue a point. I have no problem backing down when I'm outdone.

haha, in all fairness there wasn't much to ruin.

Well if you aren't interested why bother to respond? in fact why bother start the topic? And no im not smart, but when you essentially reply tl:dr you hardly come off looking anything other than stupid now do you.