
I think that pretty much demonstrates the limit of your intelligence really.

Again they are not overpriced they are in-line with competing products from samsung and other manufacturers. I've repeated this multiple times I have given examples of all of their products. Do you seriously not understand why ultrabooks are priced at the point they are, do you seriously not see that apple prices it's

I don't claim to be clever, and I've given examples of laptops in the same vein as the mac I've given examples of their phones and their tablets.

No I want a proper argument which you have yet to give. Keep acting condescending though, that and swearing seems to be all you're good at.

You clearly have no idea what a netbook is as those examples are intel designated ultrabooks. I'm really not angry and since you offer no argument and resort to ad hominem attacks it clearly displays how unintelligent you are.

I would say there is something wrong there, I'm running a h60 at 4.2 and never get above 55C under prime 95.

Yes I'm an apple fanboy despite only every owning 1 apple product (an ipad 2) and being a pc gamer with about 3 or 4 windows laptops around here and an android phone. I didn't say "if it's not apple it's shit" on the contrary those laptops and phones from Samsung and Motorola are very good, I pointed them out because

Ultrabooks are a lot thinner lighter and have longer battery lives, they are designed to run cool and easily fit in a back pack without weighing it down. They are meant to be mobile as laptops were originally meant to be.

Again your not going to find one. Your also not going to find a high spec laptop that can compete with an ultrabook in portability, battery life and comes standard with an ssd. they're for different markets.

Your laptop is for different uses. Macs have second gen i7s, an ssd and thunderbolt while being small, portable and have a long battery life and are priced at the same point as other ultrabooks in it's class. Macs are often the first choice for video editors.

I have given examples of pc laptops in the mac book air range. They're laptops that fit the same spec form factor and build quality of the mac, sure you could get a dell alienware for roughfly the same price with a low spec gpu thrown in but then all you have is a big imobile chunk of plastic with a poor battery life.

Well profit margins do matter to consumers, if a company doesn't make enough profit on a laptop there is no reason to make them any more meaning prices will either go up or companies will migrate to make other devices. HP was going to sell of it's computer division earlier this year and ibm already did because the

Yes they're more expensive, they're in-line with the examples I gave. which have high build quality SSD drives. HP and Dell laptops are built cheaply with low profit margins and offer lacklustre warranty and support.

Well they're still priced in-line with the industry standard and well received just like those other laptops I mentioned along with the specs. Just like most of apples products they're priced in-line with their competitors. Their tablets also priced in the range of other industry staples, but please continue with

For the last couple of years companies have been in a race to the bottom to make laptops as cheap as possible. Keeping specs up while using cheaper materials and skimping on build quality, this has completely destroyed the profit margins in laptops.

Actually pretty much all that apple makes is priced at industry standard, the misconception comes from the fact that they don't make cheap stuff like HP or Dell.

WOW, you managed to fit so much stupidity into such a small space. Seems to be a trend with you.

That's just simply not true. You press the gear icon then exit, that closes origin completely.

Well they did a pretty good job on the expenses and soldier scandal. personally I've always found them to be quit neutral, I've always found them to be the best for me and usually watch them along side al jazeera to get my news.

What biased does the bbc have exactly. because I've watched it along with many other news organizations and they are regarded as one of the best in the world.