
So have they fixed the PC upnp problem?

My win to loss is 2/11, I have only lost 2 games and those were when i joined on the last 10 tickets.

So anyone else keep getting disconnected on the PC version? Getting very pissed, and a d/c counts as a loss.

Looks like a British army Abbot.

Been playing a bit of BF3. Love the first couple of days when no one can fly the helicopters, watching the just take off then speed into the nearest rock.

I blame firefosh auto correct that doesn't work for anything but US English.

Good, Just Cause 2 was defiantly one of my favourite games of 2010.

Well, that's one of the most brain dead things I've ever had the displeasure of listening to.

It was a major issue with the pc version. texture pop-in random crashes and not even being able to get out of the ark without crashing.

This could be useful in multilayer to get those fuckers to replant the trees.

EA servers not working on release. I am SHOCKED, truly shocked.

We are the 10%

"Microsoft has robbed my child of a voice and denied him the right to assert his innocence"

Doubt it, numbered GTA games are almost always set in the year of their release.

Come on Rockstar, I know I'm a dude and you're a company but we can make it work.

Sales don't mater in relation to a products continued cycle. It's profit that maters and Microsoft makes a lot of profit on xbox, Sony on the other hand not making so much.

EA have finally listened to us and allowed us to change our names on origin.

You don't make up the millions that like xbox though. Xbox is hugely successful, in terms of sales the ps3 and 360 are close in terms of profit the 360 is doing amazing and there is no way Microsoft is going to let that go.

I was taking in general. Americans locking up innocent people without conviction.

So those people that have gone locked up without charge for 5 years or more are all terrorists, not just the countless falsely accused or unlucky that where in the wrong place at the wrong time.