Very Little Gravitas Indeed

“Who in the hell is this Democrat-come-lately to scold Democrats on all they’ve done wrong?”

Unless there’s some kind of weird incest angle I skipped over they said uncle not husband......

Ah, very good. Thanks!

Eeh, if anyone could get in trouble at 90 it’s Manson. Manson and his followers need to stay in prison until they die. I don’t care how old they are.

Just think, if Hillary had learned a single fucking thing from 2008 we wouldn’t be in this mess!


I hope the reception involves them opening one gift, followed by the opening of a vastly better version of the same gift immediately afterwards.

I’m sorry 🙁

Activism works? Seriously, this was smaller than small potatoes, and Trump will just undo it if he wants. He hasn’t even been sworn in yet. Watch how effective activism is during the first Senate hearings for the next Supreme Court justice. Activism won’t mean shit.

People in the media looking for scapegoats need to be dismissed. They are driven entirely by a self-preservation instinct. If the establishment fails, it falls, and the careers of these hacks will follow suit. So what have they done? Concocted shoddy arguments about Gary Johnson spoiling the race (ignoring, of course,

Tell me more about Trump’s rape of a white supremacist. I hadn’t heard.

None of those guys had access to nuclear weapons.

I’m from 500 BC, pre-kinja.


“When the space aliens send their little green men over, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending Spock. They’re not sending Yoda. They’re sending space aliens that have a lot of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing abductions. They’re bringing anal probes. They’re

It’s odd that he ignores that but keeps bringing up the fact that he feels bad feeding them live anim0als. Something that happens in nature.

That’s disgusting. Seriously, wash your feet. They are cesspools of bacteria, and no, “gravity” bringing the soap water down isn’t enough. That’s how things like Athlete’s Foot and other foot and toenail infections spread.

did you.....did you watch the video?

Huh, you usually don't see a Frenchie collapse like that without a German being nearby.

1) Expression of art.