Very Little Gravitas Indeed

You are aware that boxers are commonly referred to as “fighters” and a boxing match is typically referred to as a “fight,” correct? And even technical or defensive boxers are known as “technical fighters” or “defensive fighters.” And he’s 49-0. If Laura had called him one of the greatest knockout artists or sluggers,

Here’s another stat to remember. Only about 5% of gun owners belong to the NRA. Because the NRA is a fucking evil institution that represents fucking irresponsible assholes and not responsible gun owners.

Yeah, criticism aside, Uber has been such a game changer in my life- and has saved so many lives that would have been lost to drunken drivers- that I give Kalanick the same sort of pass as a clumsy CEO that I give to Steve Jobs for being a complete shit of a person.

He qualifies it by saying to hunt down radicalized Muslims (once identified), not every Muslim. Its one thing to post a stupid Facebook post (which it is), its another to post a stupid news article based on a willful misreading. Isn’t this what we were excoriating the alt-right for during the election?

I grew up there. Let me put it this way. There is not a single congressperson who better represents his constituents than Steve king.

Now playing

The air force also does a great job going the other way and air dropping Hummers.

ohmygod they are so fancy! I love the pom-pom hair

Wow, this guy just can’t stop killing people. 


It’s hard to think of one thing that Republican party has done that’s been something positive. Something other than stopping something else from happening. Absurd, just like their supporters who are mad that no Democrat voted for a bill that never reached the floor.

You read Jezebel.

Proofreader Man to the rescue! (sorry, it’s late and I’m procrastinating at work)

YES!!!! Push left, lean left!!!!

You are the only person on this board so far that seems to understand this!

That motorcyclist is either extremely inexperienced or never learned proper skills in the first place.

Yeah, I’m just gonna point out that the biker was %100 at fault here. Everybody involved screwed up, and like you said, we hope he’s OK after this...but it’s pretty plain to see that the biker was driving way too fast for what he was doing.

I work with an ex-Marine and he was like ‘duh go figure’ with this whole thing.

We may well be in the midst of a slow-motion coup. If you were going to try to undermine democracy in this country, you would probably start by attacking the judiciary, the free press, the intelligence agencies, and the voting system. If you can succeed in undermining public confidence in those institutions and

Can you imagine the uproar if white people were enslaved for hundreds of years, and after having been freed were still denied basic rights for another century, and then were denied the tools that would allow them to better their overall circumstance like decent education and access to housing and banking, and then

I’d start by disowning any friends and family you have who have ever voted Republican

Too be fair, MSNBC sucks.