
Omg, Little House on the Prairie:

"I just don't get it….Tell him no. He doesn't have to get everything he wants."

What did Grendel have for breakfast?

"Read this to your child if you want him to live in fear that when he falls ill, all of his toys will be burned"

"Struggle struggle struggle then some Lion come from out of nowhere and saves the day." The most accurate, on point summary of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe I've ever read!

I simply cannot understand how someone doesn't like The Importance of Being Earnest. That is seriously some of the funniest stuff ever written.

Then again, I loathed Emma.

"Advice to Amelia Bedelia: Stop taking everything so G.d. literally."

I would have left out the part about Carl killing Lori, because that's definitely not how it happened in the comic, but including it in your sentence makes it sounds like it was. Also, it's relatively common to refer to heirlooms by who they are gifted/inherited from; so I would give anyone a pass for calling it

Russell Crowe's performance was so terrible that it instantly became my favorite performance in the entire movie.

And here I always thought hipsters preferred free-range meat.

I KNOW. And the worst part is that my mom has never seen the musical live and dislikes the wttw version because lets face it staged readings aren't THAT exciting... and so she thinks his performance was "great" and I'm just "picking on him" for being a mediocre singer.

UGH. My feelings on Russell Crow in Les Mis remain a constant "WHHHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY".

And they still chose Russell Crowe....

40 Degrees is the new 80 degrees. I live in Chi-beria.

I have a deep and abiding love for Chuck Taylors, but they are possibly worse winter shoes than flip flops. The rubber sole, once it gets cold (and boy, does it get cold FAST once you're outside) is like holding a block of ice to your feet. I made the mistake of wearing them to a football game in November, and I am

I can see how it is not fiscally responsible to spend on a haircut when you need meds. Maybe the meds she is forgoing is pain meds. Being that she was with someone that turned into an addict, maybe she thought twice of personal comforts through medication and thought a day feeling like a princess was much more

Did everyone miss that she spent that after getting her tax return and DID eventually in that same time frame, see a Dr. about her prescription needs? Regardless, F anyone who would criticize her getting her hair done ONCE. Raising one kid by myself NOT in poverty takes all the life out of me some days. And sometimes,

If her Rx is uninsured, it is quite possible that $90 wasn't going to be a drop in the damn bucket.

Gilbert had the gall to spend $87 on a haircut in the same scene where she laments forgoing her own prescriptions because they cost too much

Working 16 hour shifts.... all week.....for days on end