
I've done this with reputable rescues. We don't have or want pets, but we want to make sure that animals are adoptable should a family want them.

Paczkis! Heaven. Let me add this to the list of things I miss about living in Chicago.

here, lemme eat some of these paczkis and I'll be well on my way.

I watched The Walking Dead and Talking Dead...much more entertaining than a way-too-long awards show.

Barbie paid New Kids on the Block's Donnie (in doll form) to have sex with Skipper after their date. As an attentive older sister, Barbie wanted to ensure that Skipper "had a good time."

I do the exact same thing. If I'm really mad...venting. If I am really, truly sad, depressed, silence. I know there are times I should reach out, but I just feel like such a damn burden, which only makes me feel worse.

Hey girl who's friend pulls away... Umm, I have severe depression, and my best friend (who lives a few hours away) has had some major issues with post partum depression, her husband being an asshat, all that kinda thing in the past few years, and when we had/have simultaneous breakdowns, we don't rely on one another

I keep getting confused by people from other states talking about liquor stores (another Illinoisan here - oh and welcome!). Here, liquor stores are just one of many retail establishments that sell all kinds of booze, and sometimes snacks and lottery tickets. Same with my home state of Michigan. It appears that in

God bless Illinois. Even the hair salons will booze you up.

There's a Planned Parenthood near me. Every so often, the anti-choice hate groups like to go stand out front and "pray."

Wow, I wish the best to both of you - bazcat and Penny.

I hope you both get away from your abusers and are able to establish a healthy, happy new life for yourself (and your children, in bazcat´s case).

More ::hugs:: for the pile.

I'm glad your friend stepped up to help you so much. I really think some of us theoreticalldo don't like preggos/babies, bit when push comes to shove, we get over the ick factor. Because that parasitic host is still our friend!

To the BFFs + Baby. I have a lot to impart here. I was the woman who hated all things related to babies, children, toddlers...anyone under thirty, really. If it wasn't a cat, I didn't know how — didn't care how — to deal.

Ugh re: the baby-hating friend. Look, I don't like babies. I think pregnancy is kind of gross and inefficient for such a highly evolved species (stupid walking upright). When learning that someone is pregnant, my first instinct is to feel sorry for them. HOWEVER. These issues are mine and I DO NOT VOCALIZE THEM to my

I am a mom; I have been pregnant. I think pregnancy is hideous and ugly, and newborns are shriveled alien freaks. But, I realize that's just my drama queen opinion and usually don't tell People. But, I've always been happy for the people I love who go through this process. Your friend will get over it, or she'll

I consider myself really lucky to have had both the book smarts but also the street smarts to know that I just had to ace everything and play to the teachers' standards to get ahead. A few kids (including one who was infinitely smarter than I was) I knew in the gifted program didn't do this and, as you say, they

In addition to robbing sweet young girls who've been sexually molested of the thing that helps them recover, there's a lot of neocolonialism in the anti-religious atheism. "Religion" is not just the Catholic Church

Look at my ugly baby drooling all over herself.

Well... since we're sharing...

My little girl at two weeks.
