
Hey, to be fair he didn’t know that the hijackers weren’t Vietnamese.

True. But having lived abroad for a number of years, the statistical chance of getting shot their is near 0%.

I love America. It’s just so exciting knowing that I can be gunned down at any moment in any setting. Really makes you appreciate life.

Three fucking cops were shot but I’m sure an armed guard who washed out of police academy could have taken the shooter out easily.

lol, i think you watch too much porn, either that or you run in a very weird social circle.  maybe both.  i kept expecting there to be a punchline at the end, but it never came.

I say it is a Harlem of legend, neither a contemporary Harlem or a period Harlem. It’s like Gotham City.

pretty sexist to describe a 28 year old female journalist as a child

Dear Amy,

“to assume that the mother of your child had a “change of plans” and didn’t bother to communicate them to you.”

I blame the kid. I mean, everyone on here is trying to blame the adults. None of this would have happened if the kid would just watch itself. Like, look, you’re 2. You can walk. You don’t need people dropping you off, watching you. Sounds like a deadbeat kid to me. Didn’t even say “hey, wrong house”. Nope, just stood

“The only reason you don’t do that is because deep down inside you don’t want the kid, you want to do your own thing”

You can tell by the video that girl is drunk af. Stupid ass, sloppy smile while she drags that kid to the doorstep and then skips away. They better throw her ass in jail before the parents get to her an fuck her up.

Another pristine example of how insidious systemic racism really is. She’d almost certainly still be alive today if she had been examined, diagnosed, and treated immediately. But she wasn’t, almost certainly because she wasn’t white, and thus perceived as being an ‘unsuitable’ patient for additional care (ie poor and

I have never in my life hated anyone enough to call them “the individual”.

Pretty solid translation of Mulatto. And I should know, as I am a Linguistics Major, with focus on Arabic, Aramaic, Mulatto, DogWhistle, and Wypipo.

Take your star.

With mountains on one side and water on the other three, she probably assumed the town’s natural protection was impregnable.

Shut down the comments, you win. 

Why is it that in every story like this we see, where someone sounds the alarm at the mere presence of a PoC being somewhere they “don’t belong”, its almost always a scared white woman?

Bitches be Tripi.