
This. We have laws against cops escalating situations, shooting unarmed civilians, and using illegal chokeholds — at all. And yet these dudes are getting away with it because grand juries won’t prosecute in a country where being black is seen as a crime equivalent to being a dangerous criminal.

Found a white guy almost unconscious on a sidewalk outside my apartment a few days ago.

“Interrogate. Send to Court. Torture.”

Me: “Kylie Minogue’s still getting written up about in think pieces?”

Marie Antoinette helped found the first organization in France devoted to help the blind, women and orphans (it still runs to this day — Maison Philanthropique:, and she actually adopted a few orphans into her family.

Now playing

White people love Beyonce. At least, one version of her.

Hell, it was raining one day at my Starbucks and some dude walked around saying, “If you need to hang out and do something, just hang out.”

“I don’t wanna hear the language.”

Technically, it’s called “tortura del agua,” a precursor to waterboarding used in the Spanish Inquisition.

Character progression is kind of breaking UbiSoft games by hiding higher-level gameplay behind experience gates and then blowing the gameplay apart once you reach the end and open those gates. It naturally feels inadequate because the game is designed for mid-level play and higher level play is a series of extraneous

It’s two-fold.

Comics Scarlet Witch is a lot more EXTRA than Black Widow, but as a character Scarlet Witch is kind of insufferable.

On the one hand, comics Wanda is kind of the worst and totally full of it in between bouts of mental disturbance and simply giving her MORE POWER is not how you solve severe character issues that are deep in her DNA (even when she gains control, the first thing she does is give a Cool Girl speech where she ends up


We have lots of things we can make vodka out of but only a couple we can make french fries from.

Too bad that’s not science. Reality’s less pat and less fair.

To quote Chris Rock:

If you interrogate the agency and capacity for suffering of cows, you’re more likely to question the agency and capacity of suffering for other things that are different than you.

Preferably while “Damn it feels good to be a gansta” plays in the background. Also, people need to stop ruining my awesome revenge stories with concern trolling — she’s an adult.

I think it’s circular.