Sluts are admirable people who embrace their true self. Scott Mendelsohn’s an asshat.
Sluts are admirable people who embrace their true self. Scott Mendelsohn’s an asshat.
You eat the chicken.
Still trying to decide of the crowd thought it was funny or they were cheering in solidarity with that horse bouncing right the F out of that place.
The irony is that Superman fans will always tell you that Superman is the cornerstone of the DC Universe. His movies actually do nowhere near as well as Wonder Woman and Batman movies or even Suicide Squad, and he doesn’t really sell that many comic books, but they’ll keep telling you that.
A coworker was reading me a laundry list of what her memories of reservation life are like. I basically wanted to set a flag on fire right there.
Roseanne had the first woman-on-woman kiss on television and Sandra Bernhard was one of the earliest lesbian characters on television. Also, she was aggressively pro-labor and anti-capitalist on the show with her crosshairs focused firmly on working class economic justice (seriously, rewatch the show, it’s serious up…
If you don’t fuck feathered bipeds, then you’re definitely not fucking chicken.
Why is the press desperate to cover Trump’s ass like they put all their money under his mattress and are afraid his house is going to burn down?
Except Putin’s telling Megyn Kelly he’s about to put Trump on blast, so... maybe not so much?
Universities as commercial enterprises is the problem...
This is part of the reason Asians hit the glass ceiling so hard. White people just KNOW that other white people won’t be able to handle them being successful, so they oversaturate tech and admin industries and then are almost never allowed to rise to management.
Black Skinhead, Opps, Don’t Touch My Hair, and Aerosol Can.
This actually worked on my cats believe it or not.
To emphasize how screwed up Texas is, Rick Perry fired a team of forensics specialists investigating whether innocent people had been executed and replaced them with political allies when it turned out they had uncovered ineptitude in the entire system.
Dating apps are no more scientific than random chance and they actually trick you into thinking people are more/less attractive than you would think they are if you met them in real life:
As Montaigne said on solitude, It is where we develop our truest moral selves free from the pursuit of fame and adulation.
I got thirty seconds in when I realized it was a 3-camera sitcom and I was in no mood for that crap in 2017.
I remember at summer school my roommate dragging this out on his computer and a slowly gathering crowd of kids huddling around to laugh hysterically at it with each repeated viewing.
So you wish they went with the design of a westernized capitalist safe-haven catering to wealthy Europeans instead of a futuristic isolationist black enclave?
This like what...? White people, come on, there are actually tons of pictures of her all over the place. Why do they act like there’s only one single image to go off of when picking a skin tone and facial features?