
Last Monday, one of my coworkers asked if I’d been keeping up with Georgia, the certification, etc. and I told them “Nope. I had a lot of panic attacks at the end of last year. I’m taking a break for my mental health.” I was really relishing the chance to just take a breath and look forward to the 20th.

Watching this insurrection on the news is just... sickening. It shouldn’t be a shock after months of lawmakers and people in power conspiring in the coup, but to see it break out into actual, tangible violence and destruction really makes it so much more horrifying.


Just going to preface this by saying that nothing in my original comment suggested that I thought this child was dying of starvation, and that your argument is disingenuous because it’s a counterpoint to a point that no one is making.

I feel you! I work in a library and this is a pet peeve that I’m having to learn to swallow.

I hope so.

Yeah, it’s so strange he seemed to think there were only two options: open the can for her or let her struggle, hungry for six hours.

We were all in the same city.

We’ll sign your petition for a trigger warning! lol. It is out of nowhere and terrifying (and LOUD in an otherwise quiet, ambient production).

I put this on the other day as I was cleaning the house, and from the kitchen I heard a “HOLY SHIT!” from the living room... my partner is easily spook-able and had been tying his shoes on the couch when Olaf made an appearance. He nearly had a heart attack.

I firmly believe that congress should make the federal minimum wage, be on Medicaid, and have only the basic job protections that federal laws allow (sick leave, vacation time, etc.).

My last normal night was my dad’s birthday dinner at the end of last January, which my sister and her family, my cousin and her family, and my partner and I attended.

There is no person I hate more than Yertle the Evil Turtle. I feel physical fury and repulsion whenever I see his picture. It’s so bad that I actually feel distressed by how much I hate him. Like, I wish I hated him less so I wouldn’t have to feel this way. It’s just another of the many ways his existence has

Doesn’t being an essential worker mean you can’t work from home? No shade on your job, I don’t think you count as an essential worker.

Yeah, I think you can probably get some pretty great discounts right now. I don’t know if the parks themselves are offering them, but my sister managed to stay in the Animal Kingdom hotel for 50% off.

Just going to reply to myself here:

My sister and her family went to Disney World the week before Thanksgiving (with about 10-15 other people in my BIL’s family) and my partner’s sister and mom just got back from Disney World on Tuesday.

Throughout Tayshia’s entire season, I never thought poorly of her ex, and I think that was in large part because Tayshia’s made a concerted effort not to drag him into the story more than is essential. It only comes up when relevant, and she really only told us two things “I married young and got divorced” and “it

That interview with Tayshia’s ex-husband was so gross and gaslight-y. He not only:

As a young adult, who grew up the only kid in the house, I thought sharing a bedroom would be hell.