
I remember looking up his politics and being a little worried beforehand, but it makes sense that having spent so much time in other countriesappreciating them, studying them, and consciously trying to keep an open mind about their customs, traditions, and valueshis political views are at least somewhat liberal.

2020 is the year of adjusting brands to fit the climate.

Rick Steves is the best. I especially love his little end credit bloopers.

Last week, I bought a MacBook Air because my 2012 MacBook Pro had finally met its end and needed multiple accessories to function. Even though I was very excited about having a metallic pink laptop, I kept quiet about it on social media, because no one needs to see me flaunt a luxury purchase. Especially not during

I work at a med school and have co workers who sit literally three feet—not six—away from me also actively working in hospitals. While my job isn’t essential in the least bit, and people in my job at other institutions were sent home during lockdowns/risky periods, I’ve still had to come into work throughout this

I know someone who teaches high school English and sometimes struggles to read the books she assigns. I think in recent years she’s stopped assigning such difficult books, but I remember she chose Middlemarch for summer reading one year, which she’d been assigned herself in high school, and she barely finished it on

There are reasons why even small-time history podcasts have policies against covering living people.

If she was prettier and younger than Diana, I bet the media would have woven a very different narrative about the love triangle. 

That was such a good quote is season 2 (Episode 9, “Paterfamilias”)! 

I think it might’ve helped because the “I’m moving to Florida” conversation and the realization of that meaning different things to each of them would’ve taken place over a couple of weeks, instead of there being a six month gap between the original Florida conversation—when they should have been having serious

It really just ruined her character for both me and my partner. 

People purchasing extra homes, for the sole purpose of renting them out/letting them appreciate may be contributing to the lack of affordable housing in this country, but obviously one family owning their own home doesn’t contribute to the lack of affordable housing in this county.

Also, they can still have sex! By definition, most swingers aren’t single! They have partners they can still do things with.

Yeah, they advertised “play rooms.” I don’t care how much you’re going to social distance at the “erotic ball” beforehand, there was obviously no plan to remain socially distant that entire time.

I have no idea. My SIL is currently on her third vacation since June (Destin, West Coast road trip, now Disney World—she even wants us to drop her off at the airport Christmas day for another Florida trip). Some people just want to keep doing what they’re doing and nothing you can say about the pandemic will stop them.

Yeah, I was astounded when I found out that such a big convention was allowed by the city, especially when we knew another big wave was coming. One of the Nola articles on it had a quote from an official that was like “as long as all 250 people comply with our rules *shrug*”

I don’t know about Henry Cavill. He seems nerdy and cool, but I can’t forget that he was dating a 19 year old student when he was 32 year old Superman

I’ve been yelling about this thing for weeks! Could they have NOT traveled to my city with the sole purpose of doing the exact opposite of social distancing with people outside their household, exposing not only themselves but all of the vulnerable service industry workers they came in contact with??

I mean, my sister had three small kids during the pandemic and struggled having them home all spring and summer, but she still purposefully got pregnant with a fourth. Wanting the pandemic to end and wanting a larger family aren’t always mutually exclusive.

Ever since we decided to get engaged in August, my partner and I talk about having children (possible names, what kind of parents we want to be, making space in our small house for a nursery, etc.) just about every single day. We both initiate the conversations.