Bayou Boogie

The foolish idea that we can prevent or even reduce terrorist acts by restricting access by law abiding citizens to a small set of all possible weapons is beyond dreaming. Gun control advocates salivate at every criminal act because its another opportunity to trample on the graves of the victims while pushing their

In the 18th century colonial and British Common law, “Militia” was a term referring to all able bodied free taxpayers (landowners). Progressives are fond of changing the meaning of word to fit their deceptive purposes.

There are no limitations on enumerable rights, including free speech. These rights however are balanced with all other enumerable rights. The analogy represents a mischaracterization of constitutional law. In order to regulate of any of these rights one must clearly demonstrate in real terms the harm not regulating

Anyone who believes they can put someones name on a list and because they are on a list they can’t or won’t easily obtain all the weapons and ammo they want is a fool. How long do you think it would take me, without going to any FFL dealer and without any identification to obtain any rifle I want?

You are allowed you yell fire in a theater if there is a fire. If there is not a fire, you will be charged with reckless endangerment, you will not be charged with a speech violation. All rights are balanced against other rights. Similarly, the 2nd amendment protects ownership and carry of individual use weapons, but