
Watch the video without sound, specifically when he's using the GoogleGoggle. He looks like he has a mental issue. I guess thats what everyone will look like when these things start appearing everywhere. People with bluetooth headsets will start looking normal.

than you shouldn't consider yourself a geek, maybe a mroe recent one...

Where is Alaska and Hawaii?

Can't focus with all the info that pops up, this would be even worse when driving.

I work for a large renewable energy company and we stopped supporting Wind. We only support solar. Wind turbines are usually in harsh environments that cause a lot of problems for the turbines and inverters. The costs to create any supporting infrastructure

If I'm paid, I'll work on 'fake' stuff. They can use my time however they want.

what was that guy thinking, red pants blue jacket.

I want her to forget stuff, not remember them.

looks very Sony

UAE wants RIM to comply because, currently they are unable to monitor wackjobs and their supporters sending money and info to each other.