
Considering how they demoted Gao in the Iron Fist series to turn her from a badass mob boss to a disinterested goon for a nameless overlord, I don't consider this an improvement. They do seem to kind of be doing right by her in the long run, though.

In 2010, I was at one of those early screenings and when they asked what I would change I said, "Make it so that Freddy's actually innocent." In the original news story the twist was partly based on, there was a rash of daycare panics where parents and therapists had kids falsely accuse caretakers of physical and

Do we take off five for Langoliers?

"Hate-watch" is exactly the word I used when trying to explain both how incredibly bad this show is and how I can't stop watching it to see if it actually becomes boring.

I guess he doesn't count people dying in other countries? It's only terrorism if he can visit on a weekend jaunt?

In the US, most of the terrorists killing us are white extremists. Jeff Sessions has just decided to defund investigating them to focus on the stuff not killing us and to make it easier to kill black people walking down the street minding their own business.

I think they're doing the old "foreign means impoverished" thing that Americans do.

So this is their "A Different World" to their "Cosby Show?"

She's hotter and pronounces the German dialogue more easily, though.

Naw, he keeps showing up begging Mary Kate and Olsen to do a cameo.

Hamlet was written in an era when women weren't allowed to perform on stage.

If you can't tell the difference between a guy with shit on his hat and a guy with shit on his shoe, I got nothing for you other than to say, just because you scraped it off yours doesn't make you pristine.

> As someone who just a few years ago in college was organizing buses for
abortion rallies and creating events for things like LGBT acceptance, I
personally completely abandoned the social justice community three
years ago because I saw where things were going, and it disgusted me.

Well, she's a woman, so her center of gravity is already lower than your typical top-heavy bro.

Oh crap, she was the best, and I never understood why she didn't break out bigger.

Two degrees. Underemployed.

Most poignant thing this show has tossed out in a while. Up there with everything is shit and All Apologies to Jesse Jackson for nailing what it had to.