Kirsty Wiggelsworth

and...Press scores! wow. USWNT!

looks like a dollar store don draper

sounds like you’re the cool friend! and you are right, my kids are cute, but i am biased

didn’t know.

kinja mobile doesn’t let you hyperlink

i didn’t want to link to a google drive which is housing the Rocker video

I Strand with Ravelry

Jose was cheering on the Swedes today.

i thought Running From Cops was pretty good. 

self-admitted weekend watcher here (but love USWNT. that said, missed Chile game cause my needy 5 yo (daddy i am so dehydrated, can you get me some water? daddy, i don’t wanna pump the gas, can’t you do it?..ugh) had his bday). you wrote Ellis’ strategy is for Lloyd to come off the bench, but the goal she had was at

this is what people do, more so lately. media writes column about other media/fans who say word “asterisk” click to here to find out

but VanVleet’s defense on Curry was genuinely spectacular, perhaps the best we’ve ever seen against Curry across a playoff series”

“He was infantile, just very transparent,” one unnamed team official said in the article. “With Kellen, everybody knew what he was about: video games and fucking.”

love AP Bio. 

Now playing

Canadians know all about classless don’t they  

season/playoff gms/reg season gms

and he closes out to the shooting hand

Radio Albert

i was in the army. spent all of 2005 in Iraq. i was in the infantry, meaning i saw combat regularly. i was taught to NEVER place my finger on that trigger until i was absolutely ready to fire.