President Meyer did it better.
President Meyer did it better.
(yes, the B normally runs express on the 6th Avenue line, but at that time there was a switch problem at Columbus Circle so the B was running on the C)
Even though all signs say the man was clearly “buck,” it seems that he wasn’t quite prepared to “knuck.”
Pelicans have consistently been ranked about 24th in NBA when it comes to home attendance (aside from 2009 when they were 19th).
Saw Wu in a venue in SF in 2000 (Maritime Hall) and it was the best show i have ever been to (went 2 nights in a row). Maritime is one of those small venues that you can bully your way to the front and be right next to the performers. show holds even more meaning for me because my boy i went with was murdered in 2012.…
all those billionaires who have dedicated their fortunes to fighting cancer, ridding the world of malaria, fighting poverty etc, should somehow buy the NRA organization and name. i know it is a nonprofit but i’m sure their board is corrupt enough that they’d take a bunch of $$$.
shout out mr glass
white male gamers
“It’s not been a great week for conservative opinionist DC McAllister.”
i’ve heard nothing annoys Illi-noise people more than the state being called Illi-noise. Personally, i have nothing against Illi-noise and hope that Illi-noise someday recovers from this incident. Good luck Illi-noise
Danny Devito seems like the best sport. he goes 100% for it’s always sunny.
really like him and Barry. tropic thunder was great too
oh fuck i just lol irl.
the more i see of this movie the more i do not like it. hopefully i’m wrong and it’s good.
love this show. when Illana tackles the tree, priceless.
i can relate. i gave the worst presentation of my life in front of a new client this week. it was brutal. learning form it tho. good luck to you
he’s a kid. kid’s do dumb shit.
-1) Darko