
If there is is one it will be called the iPhone 4 (s)

not everyone uses as much as they want. They use more. I understand what you are saying but think of it as saving your electricity bill.

beware, gizmodo has people who counter counter attacks. *mind blown*

The purpose of this is clearly to spread awareness through the media. These acts encourage people to change their bulbs. I saw this and switched off the room lights in the next room so see, it might work but it depends on the person.

exactly. its sad once we think about how little we care about our planet.

But doesn't it take a millions of years to form crude oil. By the time we are finished with this batch, our trash and our dead bodies would have turned into crude oil again. I understand what you are saying, the reason we need to delay it is because currently oil prices are rising and if prices are high enough will

yeah most of the population got that.


yeah Microsoft cant innovate because of this. Its just too nice.

Cant hackers clock and hide themselves and all that?

I am pretty sure those people will comeback 10 times as better. They always seem to learn a ton from disasters and move on. God bless those people. And all of us as well. We need alot of help.

I am not american but i hear Bush fucked up somewhere in this incident. Something about not sending the military to help i think. am i right?

Japanese people are different i think, or at least at this moment when horrible events have just occurred in the country. Everyone pitches in to help. Even the contractors might have said that this time our country needs us, no more "dicking around". This is applicable in every country.

are you in Japan?

is that the design? Maybe this time they will design it "no fall down when small plane hits" technology. :D XD

Mashallah. :)

so i am not allowed to beat a bully beating a kid because i would become the bully in the process. His video showed that racial bullshit like this is not just ignored and forgotten but reminded her with a few combacks that she shouldnt do that again.

so i am not allowed to beat a bully beating a kid because i would become the bully in the process. His video showed that racial bullshit like this is not just ignored and forgotten but reminded her with a few combacks that she shouldnt do that again.

This rant got a great song out of Wong. And taught people to post less bullshit up on the internet. I will agree with you that she didnt mean it the way this was understood by a lot of people but she should have dealt with it properly and she needs to realize(being a student and all) that people wont realize what she