

+17 internet points for you sir. enjoy

That star of his didnt just magically appear by the gizmodo fairies.


So what you are saying is that the strength of gravity will decrease over the course of the next 20 years? making our bones thinner and us fatter? madness !

it would take us 75 light years to get there at light speed? :C

can you please explain me these "South" jokes?

Maybe they are testing it. They will roll back as soon as they see any loses.

dont you mean booty pipes?

I need to ask ! why is 12 Mb not enough. I can understand it can come in handy in downloading stuff but other that that.

i lol'ed a little. Thank you. :D

I am not a fan of older technology but why not send it my way. I am sure i can make good use of it and recycle it for you. :D

wow. We dont even get that much in broadband. well we here arent used to paying alot for the internet because its full potential is not known to most people. But I KNOW ! i love the internet but theres no way of convincing my parents to bump up my 1 Mb connection. Its not slow but much of my time is wasted while

wow. We dont even get that much in broadband. well we here arent used to paying alot for the internet because its full potential is not known to most people. But I KNOW ! i love the internet but theres no way of convincing my parents to bump up my 1 Mb connection. Its not slow but much of my time is wasted while

well if someone was willing to give me $200 more for my iPad most people would sell it on the spot and get in the store and get another one. no?

A combination of the two will bring the best of both worlds.

real world download speeds please and wasn't ginger bread made for tablets?

real world download speeds please and wasn't ginger bread made for tablets?

but many people use their impressive vocabulary to sound smarter to others, win debates and convince others etc even if their ideas are laughable and thinking moronic.

but many people use their impressive vocabulary to sound smarter to others, win debates and convince others etc even if their ideas are laughable and thinking moronic.