nobody proof read anything before this was sent out.
nobody proof read anything before this was sent out.
I’ll be honest, my first, second and third reaction to this was ‘....How?’. Like even if they were from existing quotes, someone had to write them up and place all these images together. There was work involved and at no point did someone seem to reconsider at all how this is coming across.
*Somewhere in a darkened shack in the Massachusetts wilderness, Bill Belichick stands over a steaming cauldron, the cowl of a jet-black hoodie obscuring all but his mouth as fresh blood from an unknown tenth-round draft pick from 2012 drips off of a ceremonial dagger into the bubbling witch’s brew.*
“Double double,…
“I don’t see the problem here.”
+1 Intergluteal crest
Every once in a while I like to step back and think about how a bunch of adults playing a game for a living can be such an uptight bunch of pricks.
Ghosts are an upgrade from Sanchez seeing the Kraken.
Hey buddy. You need a hug?
things would have gone differently if he just had thought a little harder about his glove placement.
The Pooperintendent!
Yeah, I feel for the cops who arrested Miss Poohands. I’m clearing out of there no different than if she had a gun. Speaking of which, where was the good guy with a poop?
Holy shit
Best part? No smell!
Pooper: Hey, is this kosher?
...How can I simultaneously watch this and not watch this...