Bavarian Gingerbread Person

Yes, it’s simple: “Americans! Buy my stuff! You might have to pay more but that’s because of the tariffs our wise and god-like leader decided to put on imported goods! They will harm China!” Buying Larren’s leggings will bring China to the negotiating table in no time and will result in a beautiful Trump tower in the

I’d say everybody knew it to be true. Was anybody surprised by this?


Thanks. He is better now.

Now playing

Sitting here in the middle of the night, worrying about my dad who just had a heart attack. And this one usually calms me down: Nanci Griffith - More Tha A Whisper

BoJo is going for a No Deal Brexit as hard as he can. Just this week he said he wouldn’t accept a backstop (the plan that would keep the Irish-UK border “soft”). But that’s the central point the EU can not accept. Johnson is counting on the worsening economy world wide and especially in Germany, hoping that Germany,

As stated elsewhere: she is a figurehead. The Prime Minister and the parliament decide in the UK, not the monarch.
The funny thing is, should t he Queen (or some king) really have a say in politics, the UK could be thrown out of the EU for being undemocratic.

Miller looks like a flesh-colored balloon trying to imitate a face by sticking a carnival beard on. While Delgado reminds me of someone, but I just couldn’t get my finger on it. David Spade?

Besides the fact that Swift cut into her own fan base much more than say Lady Gaga or Cardi B or any other artist with established audience on the liberal side. So, Swift is actually the one saying things that will be detrimental to her popularity, so she is the one more courageous. Much more courageous than a

You’ll have to admire her work ethic though. She could have done it with some NYC stock broker who doesn’t suffer from severe narcissism, constant babbling and looks like a giant wild haired toddler in his father’s suit.

There are enough half-substantiated rumors here in Germany that Merkel hates kissing. Apart from her thinking Trump is an whole lot of idiot. She is right, once in a while.

See, I told you all it’s possible that she could smile. You just need the right occasion.

The lasting damage is already done. Nations deal with nations, not with single leaders, they have to. While Europe (and the rest of the world, too) is of course aware what a catastrophe the US is sending to summits, it’s not the first or even the second fail. Trump will have the effect that nations will consider the

“Freedom”, really? That’s so 00s! It’s like somebody dumb wanted to get on the Bush/Rumsfeld train to a free Middle East without WOMD.
Also, if they have a space on their website where customers can post images of them wearing this hideous stuff, I will post a picture of me wearing knockoffs of these knockoffs and I

True, I was wrong. But via Denmark they are represented in the EU.

A Greenland thawed by climate change and exploited by US corporations isn’t going to save the US economy from it’s structural deficits nor would it magically create income. The US would still have to do it’s homework (like actually having taxes and social welfare).
Plus, there is the little point that the

During the election there were two choices, Clinton or Trump. If you didn’t vote for Clinton, you voted for Trump. That Clinton was the wrong candidate (and most of all, not Bernie), that there are uncertainties regarding gerrymandering, that it seemed sure that Clinton would win (so you could vote whomever you

Is there any word if this went smoothly? Considering the fact that people tend to get roasted on that thing, I guess the poor convict had a choice: either being slowly cooked to death or painfully dying because an inept guard shot you up in the wrong order. The death penalty is wrong in itself, the state is not allowed

Let’s see about that. Independence would mean no more financial security, And should climate change have any freak side effects like strengthening the cold currents around Greenland, it will be frozen over again. And with 60.000 inhabitants, it’s bound to be swallowed up and spit out stripped of resources. Doesn’t

I agree. But the slump (if it’s coming) seems to me to be based on different reasons in each country:
- the US is very much depending on services and services and imports go down when the president calls out trade wars without really knowing what he’s doing. Dow Jones doesn’t mean shit, it’ll be going down like a rock