Bavarian Gingerbread Person

Trans persons are a small minority, out and transitioning trans persons even smaller and transitioning trans persons in the military the smallest. Supporting them doesn’t cost any money, not compared to all those medications taken after a lifetime of unhealthy food and beer and who cares anyway? They are employees of

They do not want to nationalize factories and companies. They want to reign them in, which is entirely different.

This has all the trappings of a great Hallmark movie:

As a European I don’t get the US system of colleges at all, so I was wondering the same. If these are private schools, couldn’t she buy her way into it?

I laughed my head off: Loughlin spent around 500 k to get her two daughters into college (why? It’s not like they need to work) and one of them is even to airheaded to care. 250 k wasted. Plus, there will be bail.

Socialism all but abolishes private ownership. This is what the DSA wants.

Also: austerity politics didn’t make the right rise in Europe. That’s a more complex scenario.

It’s not that obscure actually. I’d rather the guess that it’s the duo’s most well-known song these days. Exactly because it’s so bizarre, even for German Schlagermusik.

Rubio is an idiot, German dams don’t break. Oh wait...

Now playing

Like a baroque church built with music, The Walker Brothers - You’re All Around Me:

Yeah, it’s the French thing, isn’t it? Don’t know where the difference is to some other big money clubs like Chelsea or ManCity. They all have some sheik or Russian oligarch pulling the strings.

What? I don’t want to research that, but “viva la stool” is their motto? Don’t they know English or are they maybe proud to be shitty?

You were at Shea? I really envy you!

Now playing

This should get me out of the greys: The Clash - The Card Cheat

And the awareness of testosterone in female athlete’s bodies is a concern since those times. What has been uncovered of the East German doping programs is brutal. Athletes (not just female ones) were given large amounts of hormones wrecking their bodies for the rest of their lives (and many died young, often unable to

Besides it’s a strange word, “reparations” are paid by the loser of a war to the winning side and wouldn’t consider the black population of the US a “winner” in history. Social programs as Sanders proposed will also (to a minor level but still) help poor white families and that’s what’s the problem here, isn’t it.

Amber Heard as a figurehead against abuse isn’t maybe the best idea, didn’t she beat up her girlfriend before she was was Depp?

It’s called age. And it’s merciless. The 90s loved him.

This isn’t so far out. At VW the German unions are very strong and connected to their counterparts in other parts of the world. And also forcing management to at least tolerate them (if the union laws in the other countries are not as extended as in Germany). That’s of course not a “multinational” union, but maybe the

try to preserve a way of life that multinational corporations are set on destroying so that they may suck away middle class wages from workers and apply that money to their balance sheets.