
Oh, I am already a fan.

The problem I have with most video games podcasts is that they're typically done be either fans or critics and the type and quality of discussion can suffer from that. These guys are as likely to discuss obscure NEOGEO games as they are rumors about the next Nintendo console, and are incredibly knowledgeable. Also

Insert Credit is a very intelligent, knowledgable, and low key gaming podcast.

I was not at all considering getting an xbone until I heard they were relaunching Phantom Dust, and now the decision on what next-gen platform to get is pretty torn.

It's all about the Sorbet. Lemon? Raspberry? One scoop of each piled together in the same bowl? That's where its at.

I could understand some confusion if they have no knowledge of Johnny Quest.

In the tutorial level a dolphin says "How high in the sky can you fly?" to prompt you that you need to make a big jump. Which is the part I assume you're talking about.

I'm sorry for misreading you sarcasm, the comments in the PS4 article had my heart all aflutter.

Watching some of the faces I came to know over the last year at Gameological get dragged into this sort of awful internet argument is the thing I knew would happen with this merger, and the thing I dreaded seeing the most. We had such a good thing going, that it's like they forgot what commenting on the rest of the

Your comment leaves so much room for constructive discussion about the topic that am completely paralyzed by the amount of directions we can take this conversation in.

Before the hoard shows up, I just want to say that I think Level 2 is kicking our ass.