
Real estate is a great investment, and an approachable one for people with $20,000+ to invest. HOWEVER. Real estate is not a passive income stream, there is a ton of work in getting a house, getting it ready to rent, finding tenants, keeping up with the day to day, month to month, and long term maintenance of the

Thank you Rachel, it’s hard but that helps to provide a focus that can help!

My problem is that source of my burnout is all the things I care about in my life, so I dunno that there’s an easy way out.

From slide 16:

As I’ve been vigorously conducting this experiment on myself for the last 10 years, my N=1 test results are that unfiltered IPA’s are the worst offenders. I can be lazily sipping on a single unfiltered IPA and wake up wishing I was dead, vs. shotgunning lagers likes its spring break 2015 and wake up ready for more.

Just FYI magnets don’t quite *break* or *interfere* with ICD’s and pacemakers, they *trigger* functions that are activated using a magnet.

Counter-tip, if you are microwaving sweet potatoes, DO pierce them or BOOM!  They will cook in about 4 mins, but will definitely pop like a balloon if you don’t let the steam out.

I think it can mainly give a reality based understanding of the situation, while the US operates fairly independently of that reality. My feeling right now is that people are “over it” when it comes to this pandemic. Social distancing behaviors are tough to keep up, and I see signs in my city that less and less people

My father had Parkinson’s and the slow creep of dementia was extremely difficult. Decision making gets affected, then personality, then all the things that allow you to be independent start dropping off.  I don’t wish having, or having to deal with a relative with dementia on anyone, and yet it is extremely common in

As someone who lived in Barcelona, take every chance you get to drink Kalimotxo!  Also don’t you dare take wine from a bottle and mix it with coke, boxed wine belongs in two places, kalimotxo and the garbage.

I very much want to not abide by any of these rules, because its so annoying to treat kids like delicate little flowers, but in this case the science is clear - Car seats, booster seats, and seat belts save lives, reduce serious injuries, and prevent even small injuries as well.

It is good news! To calm fears a bit, each of these studies gave the vaccine to about 15,000 people, so for overall safety that is a good sample size that can be used for regulatory approval.  That does not represent a shortcut or reduced sample size to “speed” things through.  What really sped things up was the money

Yes to quote Samuel L. Jackson - “SHUT THE $%@! UP”.  It works in so many situations.  Negotiating, apologizing, listening, hell even talking is improved by shutting the hell up the majority of the time.  Just shut your damn pie-hole and everyone wins.

Trying to justify why you aren’t meeting expectations at work is always a losing battle.

Trying to justify why you aren’t meeting expectations at work is always a losing battle.

Some people don’t like the cartilage and bones in a chicken wing.  These people are crazy!  That is the best stuff there is.  There’s nothing like returning to the animal you are and gnawing down to the marrow on the bones of your enemies (you nemesis of chickens you)

Hell yes Claire! This goes directly with my first rule of life - First cook the bacon.

McKinsey consultants will solve any problem you have in a brilliant, sustainable, and scalable way, after all, all of their consultants are Harvard grads, the cream of the crop. Mckinsey will not ask if this solution is right or just or human, but they’ll get the job done. They’ll revamp Arkansas medicad program to

Nope, you read it wrong. They have access to full data, with no de-identification at all.

Sure am glad Google’s motto is “Don’t be evil”.... oh wait.