
Hi Michelle, thank you for bringing attention to the article as it is very difficult to balance the mother’s health against the baby’s during pregnancy, and is even trickier when it comes to mental health.

“If a job is worth doing, it’s worth doing right” only ever leads me to rationalize why a job is not worth doing.

Having lost my mother to cancer, I know, it SUCKS. There are no fun happy cancer times. The options are:

Having lost my mother to cancer, I know cancer SUCKS. There are no fun happy cancer times. The options are:

I promise I am not trying to troll, actually to have a discussion, so here is a quote from the abstract of the first paper you mentioned.

I’m sorry but it is not factual to say that:

I definitely agree that it is a complex system, but I firmly believe that calorie intake is the overwhelming deciding factor in determining weight. The normal range of digestive absorption variance is at least an order of magnitude (10x) smaller than what you can vary in caloric intake. If you are looking to lose or

Just another meaningless buzzword that sounds good. Clean, Natural, even Organic... without any real definition of what those words mean, they just get substituted for “good” and then every marketer slaps it on the box. Saying “you’re fat because you consistently eat more than you burn” doesn’t sell organic natural

Thank you for this! Very timely with trying to get our 2 year old to eat something other than bread, yogurt and pasta. The one part I think missed out here is texture. My son will eat a variety of tastes but really shies away from things that arent either crunchy or mushy. Anything stringy, chewy or meaty gets

Injustice Collecting. It’s so easy to create a perceived slight and collect it for the next time things blow up so you can throw it in their face. I know you don’t love me because you forgot to take the trash out 3 times in the last 6 months and you did that just because you hate me! It’s an immature coping

You can also wrap in tinfoil or parchment paper and bake it (Oven at 400F, until temp of chicken is 160F). It comes out good just takes longer than from defrosted.


The free-market is not a magic wand. You don’t just say “free-market” and all problems are solved. Can you give one example of your “simple solution” for healthcare having worked any where, at any time in human history?

There are two types of things in the universe:

Seriously. Just get Adderall. It doesn’t magically solve all your problems, but instead of being worthless and getting nothing done and falling farther and farther behind, when i take it I have 4 hours of productivity. That gives me 20 hours of productivity for the week which is 20 times more than I had before.

College is an investment just like anything else, and people make bad investments all the time. The US as a society has decided that education, which historically has a really good return on investment, is not a good place for us to spend money. So students take the risk on whether the education that they choose

Texas. Austin, Fort Worth, San Antonio, Dallas, Houston. All have lots of tech going on and lower house prices (although they are rising). Austin is the easiest place to have fun I’ve ever been. Dallas-Fort Worth is LA sized and has all the world class big city stuff but is much cheaper. Houston is cheaper still

Works great for me. It’s made me realize that the main tool that your body has to prevent you from losing weight is just hunger. If you understand and know what your hunger feels like, it becomes much easier to ignore when it is in conflict with your eating goals.

Oh I guess I’m a bad person then because one time I gave an Oatmeal Creme Pie to a porcupine and it was awesome. I’m pretty sure it was the best day of that porcupine’s life! Although I guess now he has diabetes.