
Again a great example of presenting “evidence”! I have certainly never handled classified information before, and am relying on FBI Director Comey’s statement as a primary source for information on the FBI’s investigation and decision to not recommend prosecution. The article you referenced presents the “evidence”

Exactly! The full quote from FBI Director James Comey is:

This really identifies how people come to believe in something. Even the echo chamber bubbles you mention follow the three rules mentioned. Take Fox News for example: Present anything you like as evidence, say it persistently, 100 times a day for years, and empathize with your angry, fearful, older, and predominantly

So true. My wife just changed careers from a well-paying job she hated, to a medium-paying job she absolutely loves. Having the security of an emergency fund was a huge part of making a 40% pay cut a tolerable risk to take.

When I was poor and broke I learned this lesson the hard way. I ALWAYS turn this “feature” off as it really is nothing more than a trap to stick it to poor people. It’s so much better to have the card declined than to rack up huge fees. Before the law was changed a few years ago, (thanks CFPB!) banks could charge even

Hilarious that you have a chill pill avatar while advocating for ridiculous draconian biking rules. Wheelies are super fun, and no I won’t get off your lawn.

The big thing with most supplements is that they have amazing health benefits if you are deficient in that nutrient. If you have an even moderately balanced diet you are probably not deficient in many nutrients so the supplements are mostly just fun cabinet candy with little extra benefit.

There are two types of things in the universe: Things in my pockets, and things that are lost.

Just as a note, I’ve peed in every pool I’ve ever been in.

I think Prioritization. As you grow the number of responsibilities you have, I’ve run out of time to just do whatever. I had to learn to make time for the important things and be ok with not having time for lower priority things.

The big thing is loans always have collateral, ALWAYS. With a bank its an asset, your credit score, or a cosigner’s credit or assets. With friends and family? ITS YOUR RELATIONSHIP. If you can’t afford to lose the money or the relationship, don’t do it! If you can afford to lose the money, just give it to them!

So, you’re saying you give Yelp 1 star...

Thanks! Cool to see some of the ingredients that have some science behind them, vs the usual hype. Its great info to get past the generic “GET SUPER RIPPED ON MEgA X!!”, or “Mega X is all toxins and carcinogens that cause malaria!!!”

I love this, thank you for pointing it out! I am very easily distracted by nature, turn a tv on in the room and I can barely get through a conversation. Even to the point where while brainstorming alone I’ll get distracted enough to forget what I’m thinking about and just wander off to something else. BUT! When I’m

I’ve seen this law described as “Minimum wage for the middle-class”. It basically says, if you want a fully engaged employee who will do whatever it takes and put in all the extra hours to get the job done, you have to pay them at least 47k. If you want a warm body to pay by the hour, you gotta pay them more to work

“Set reasonable boundaries, and people respect them.” This is gold right here and true across almost all of life. I’m a firm believer that you teach people how to treat you. Almost everyone will respect your clearly and consistently communicated boundaries, doubly so if they fit within the framework of

Unfortunately what makes you happy short term and what makes you happy long term both cost money, and most people have to prioritize one over the other. Reminders that long term happiness is the better value are what the personal finance tips on LH are usually about!

Would be interesting to cross reference this with the prevalence of unions by sector. Just eyeballing the graph it makes me think that the benefits for teachers and manufacturing operators were likely very hard fought.

Sometimes your friends know you better than you know yourself.

A doctor of mine introduced me to one of his colleagues, who was in the field I was interested in switching to. Starting with a recommendation from a trusted individual gave my mentor the confidence I was worth his time, and me the motivation to seize the opportunity. Having him guide and teach me changed my life and