
I've already stated that there are some people whose hate for the movie is hyperbole, but they're no different from the "there's nothing good" idiots that surround every major blockbuster. They're essentially the same as the doofuses on IMDB boards giving 1/10 reviews to MAD MAX: FURY ROAD (yes, those people exist).

It's okay to like the movie while admitting it has issues.

That's how I feel. I liked the movie, mostly, but I've also spent a lot of time wishing it was better.

The Falcon chase made the IMAX 3D worth the price of admission alone. There has never been a STAR WARS action scene on that scale before.

You're gonna have to explain that. JURASSIC WORLD is a pointless movie that claims to hate blockbuster dumbness while indulging in every last drop of blockbuster dumbness that it can. TFA, at least in fleeting moments, recaptured the feel of the original STAR WARS trilogy.

What's sort of curious about the movie is that there weren't really any twists, at least not in the traditional sense. I was pretty sure Kylo Ren was going to turn out to be Han's son going in, and I was pretty sure Han was gonna die.

I didn't really draw the connection between Poe and Han the way that many people have. Poe's a much, much nicer guy than Han ever was.

I might just refer to Phasma as Helmet Lady from here on out.

I can't decide if evoking an Aerosmith song in your movie's title is good or groan-worthy. It seems a bit on-the-nose.

In some cases, that just isn't enough.

I would disagree (not on the scientifically inaccurate stuff, those arguments are dumb. It's STAR WARS). TFA is an interesting movie to pick at, as its flaws are very much those of a movie that was constantly in flux. It's a miracle that it's as good as it is in hindsight, because it feels made on the fly. There's a…

They stuck the masked/droid/alien characters on the glasses as opposed to the human leads. I'd bet there's a set with Boyega, Ridley, Ford and Isaac out there somewhere.

There are probably still more people seeing TFA for the seventh time than anyone seeing JANE GOT A GUN.

Ford is definitely the best he's been in years there. He's actually having fun for once.

I don't think that it's quite "hipster contrarianism", as there are legitimate grievances to be had. That being said, the people who stand around longing for the "original" days of the prequels need to remove their heads from their asses.

STAR WARS has tended to be a bit of a black hole for the actors involved (except for Harrison Ford, of course).

I got a series of pint glasses for Christmas that included Kylo Ren, Chewie, BB-8 and Phasma.

I demand more of Wu. I need more COCKSUCKA.

Unless the bear turns out to be the man that kills him, who knows the meaning of those symbols…

Saw THE FORCE AWAKENS again. My main takeaways from this second viewing: