Batwayne Bruceman

I would play this


They fixed it ^^ lol

It looks like the same info is copy/pasted under Extra and Premium--and its the data for the premium sub. I was really confused for a minute when Extra and Premium were priced the same lol.

If only the SHIFT servers weren’t shitting the bed. Trying to play online has been obnoxious and all over the place. I mean all of Borderlands 3's faults aside at least the online MP worked day one.

Cannot Unsee Cyclops’ baby hand.....

That card is bottlenecked trash. The bus can’t handle the traffic to even use 12gb of vram. Don’t buy that version.

That card is bottlenecked trash. The bus can’t handle the traffic to even use 12gb of vram. Don’t buy that version.

This isn’t a review or impression article. This is where their marketing side shills things at you so they can make money.

This isn’t a review or impression article. This is where their marketing side shills things at you so they can make

Its also not Free to Play

Xenoblade Chronicles X (which I own on Wii U)
Twilight Princess and Windwaker.
Most everything else has already been ported.

I OWN a Wii U. Have since a year after it was new. It was barely worth owning then—and never got better. I’m waiting for a few more U games to be ported to the Switch and then I’ll be getting rid of it.

Just gonna put this here figuring people might wanna know.
Also, miss you Totilo.

Bonus its by Totillo.

Too bad cyberpowers quality is shit. Guaranteed those will fail/break/not work properly within a month of ownership for most people. CP has a miserable track record and even worse customer service. 

It was a lot closer and a lot better than Fallout 4.

I mean Dragon Age 2 was High Fantasy ME2 enough for that to be highly accurate lol and yeah people went nuts over the comparison at that time too.

Came here looking for this in the article but didn't find it. I'm playing B4B on Gamepass so Steams numbers don't mean much when another platform will have the bulk of players lol. 

Yeah. Starlord feels and looks like they wanted Charlie Hunnam for the role and couldn’t get him—so they had a VO a more chipper version of Jax from SoA.

Dead? He’s in Jail. Waiting on Court.

They mean having a Finger reader as an option vs. IPhones where it’s Face Unlock or Passcode only. Masks make face unlock obnoxious.