
Anyone who answers this without putting Wizard and Glass first is doing it wrong.

Not bad, but not good either. That's pretty much all you need to know.

I tried really hard to judge this film on its own merits, and not demand a slavish adaptation. On that basis, the film is okay, but slight. I enjoyed it fine, but it doesn't really give you anything me or able to walk away with. I.V. had it right when he says it's generic. This film is very… safe.

Only if you intend to write more after the spoiler.

No one gets paid for auditions. It's a job interview.

You're missing the point. It's a war of attrition where the purpose is driving people away from voting at all if they're not inclined to vote for your side in the first place.


The constitution really doesn't say much about immigration at all, frankly. Americas philosophy on it has varied from schizophrenic to downright hostile pretty much since the Mayflower.

Well, it's circular reasoning- you have the right to bear arms because bearing arms is a right.

Not directly, but the apathy brought on by minimizing voter one party's influence (which is the heart of gerrymandering) does affect the statewide votes.

Yes. That is a very succinct way of putting it.

It worries me I'm the first person who upvoted that.

Not unless they're named Palpatine.

They most certainly did flip votes, that's what propaganda does, and basically what Russia did was advanced propaganda.

More power to you, I guess. I just never understand what the point of that thinking is, no matter who the president is.

No basis in reality and no conceivable benefit for telling them. That's what I find so baffling.

That's really not true. Politicians don't generally lie the way Trump does. They get very cagey, they dance around, they spin it heavily with ideology, but there's usually kernels of truth in their statements.

Sure. You wanna start comparing lists of lies? Give us a couple weeks to collate Trump's.

Again, if it's massage sold as chiropractic care, that's one thing. It's unfortunte that's how it needs to be marketed to sell, but whatever.

I have, but I'm on BCBS, so I admit I have it pretty good.