
If there was ever someone who merited disrespect, it's Coulter.

It's such a shame that Summer's death gets so overshadowed by Hodor. And it's tremendously unnecessary (which is thematically consistent, by still).

Of course, a lot of the issues Jon had at that battle might have been avoided if Sansa had mentioned she had an entire fucking army coming to help…

Or she's so excited she takes them two at a time, but has to maintain her royal stoicism at the same time.

Typing on a phone. Stupid autocorrect.

They still have actual plungers sticking out of them.

I guess?

That's egregiously petty and stupid, but it's still fairly civil compared with people getting in fist fights on the floor of Congress, which was not uncommon.

One of the funniest butts predictable things about the 1860s confederacy is how fast people started talking about seceding from the Confederacy as well.

Alright. Must've missed that.

Let's just not get cocky, is all I'm saying.

It takes a lot of little shits to build a mountain of bullshit.

What signs? The same signs that pointed to a blue wave in 2016?

It's not ENTIRELY unfair right now, though. In the last election, I couldn't tell you what Clinton stood for other than "You're not gonna elect this moron, are you?"

Soviet technology and maintenance. It's pretty rusty by now.

I'm not convinced this thing will be dead until the Dems retake a house of congress or it passes. Theres not reason to think they won't keep tinkering with it till the public gets exhausted of protesting it.

Actually it is the final season. Technically.

"When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of

I worked in it during the Chicago run. I felt like it was either going to make a mint or go nowhere. Cinderella crosses with Star Wars from the Wachowskis isn't a bad pitch, but "deeply weird" is an excellent description of how it turned out. Unfortunately, "deeply weird" is rarely commercial.

Sure, Star Wars is somewhat silly, but no one on screen thinks it's silly, and no one making it acted like it was silly.