
Is he really a fascist? I honestly don't know that Trump has any real beliefs other than narcissism and personal enrichment.

1 comment in the history. I doubt if the account is even linked to a real email. You're never going to get a response.

Then you're taking issue with what's labeled fake news, not the term itself.

A news story that puts forward events that never occurred is fake. That's the original definition of "fake news" before Trump mangled/co-opted it.

Learn something new everyday.

Why is that? There's plenty of other sites where images display just fine. Does disqus actually write different code for every site or something?

That's the best proposal I've ever heard about term limits, actually. Maybe it should apply to presidents as well— imagine Obama running again in 2020.

I, for one, welcome our new robotic overlords.

You're assuming that science won't be able to fix problems of old age as they increase lifespan. That's specious reasoning. Bodily systems failing is what puts a de facto limit on aging.

That's exactly the group that CNW is talking about (82-89).

To be fair, that's probably because no such job exists.

I was going to say that's ridiculous, but as I thought about it, I'm not so sure. Part of what defines a generation is the mindset, at least as much as the arbitrary years.

Its amazing, but at this rate, in 20 years people will look at stories like Stand By Me or The Sandlot and their biggest suspension of disbelief would be that a bunch of kids would be running around unsupervised all day.

Ding ding. Obliviousness is totally the key. Its easy to feel safe when you've been told all your life that nothing will ever threaten or harm you. Not to get off an crazy rant, but that's the whole reason "safe spaces" exist— because kids are able to get all the way to college without having to confront… anything,

A pedantic editor type who DOESN'T need a label for something?

The other problem is that we're really overestimating the difference in numbers of these groups. The US is pretty evenly divided conservative and liberal. Three million sounds like a lot, but it's less than one percent of the population. Even among only the voters of the last election, it's only 2.5%. Statistically

Like I said, the system isn't perfect now. That's pretty obvious. But I'm not sure that switching to pure popular vote with no checks is the right step either.

DeVos is not a do-nothing appointment. She has a looooooong history of working to undermine public schools. She's working very hard to privatize them.

I guess I'm just a little uncomfortable removing any checks against highly populated areas creating all the rules which will then apply to less populated ones, even if I disagree with most of the views people in those areas hold.