
Really? Because Haunted Mansion has actual magic tricks going on. Pirates is really just the jokes, and Haunted Mansion has plenty of those too. I mean, to each their own, of course, and I still like Pirates fine.

The ride opened in 1967. Debate the right or wrong of it if you will, but there's probably very few people who made that connection at the time.

Eh. You can shoot any style you want just fine if you're not also demanding more coverage than you could possibly need.

I can't really disagree with any of that, but its still a movie that I can't stop from watching whenever I see it. Such is the power of the visuals/music, I guess.

Fair enough. (Except for use of the term "joint" for a film. *shudder*)

It's all part of a style, basically intended to disorient the viewer. Both the handheld camera and the quick editing work together for this purpose.

The handheld camera is a big part of the style, and a big part of the problem too, so I think its valid.

To say nothing of how television action is edited.

You must either be a masochist or very bored. Or both.

What is with everyone dropping Last of the Mohicans so low? That film is nearly perfect.

Then shooting it in super clear HD was a poor choice.

I don't know how old you are, and I don't know how old he is, but you are not too old and he is not too young for you to smack some goddamn sense into him.

50? Fuck, its been at LEAST since the Civil War. The idea of former slaves in US Army uniforms scared the bejeesus out of not just the Confederacy (at least they had good reason), but plenty of northerners as well.

Same thinking that gives you a completely and utterly inept government that can't do anything right, except for when it wants to take your guns or your Medicaid or whatever the fuck else conservatives are concerned about Uncle Sam coming for.

It's almost as if the NRA is a lobbying group that works directly on behalf of gun manufacturers.

It's still good.

Trump doesn't believe in exercise.

Things that small usually are.

^This. I'm no longer worried about what Trump intends to do, because he has absolutely no intellectual capability to do anything. Anything he succeeds at will be in spite of himself.

Precisely. No solution will ever be forthcoming to the criminal drug trade as long as it remains more lucrative (by being prohibited) and easier to enter than legitimate professions.