If you like Gosling as an actor, you'll be fine. La La Land is very good, though its not at all what its marketed as.
If you like Gosling as an actor, you'll be fine. La La Land is very good, though its not at all what its marketed as.
Its a really bad trailer. If this movie is half as good as Dowd is claiming, someone should be sitting in a corner with a dunce cap on.
I'm glad the movie sounds good. I'll probably check it out at some point.
Keeping your crew happy is part of how you make a good movie. Tired, unhappy people don't often make good decisions, artistic or otherwise.
Working dolly grip here raising his hand.
No, it leads one to believe that firing directors is a reallllllllllllllllllllllllly big step that almost never gets taken (recent SW history aside), and things must really have been bad for it to happen, especially that far into a shoot.
My guess is that she's trying to keep the movies at the forefront, and hiring more inexperienced directors for these films that she thinks she'll be able to control better.
Because the producer signs the check. You do the job you were hired for. If style is part of the job, either say you can't deliver that style, or figure out how to do it.
The biggest takeaway from that article I saw was the last paragraph, ie that the SW producers seem to be having a lot of trouble with their spin-off directors.
You could easily cut all three it into one 2 1/2 hour film just dropping everything that doesn't appear in the books.
Counterpoint; no, its not. Its still filled with people doing utterly stupid things for no decent reason, jump scares telegraphed from a mile away, and hyperactive camera moves in order to paper over all of it.
Is there anyone that actually enjoys these movies? Can someone explain why? Its not like we're hard up for good horror films nowadays. These are like the Transformers of horror films.
Depends on your tolerance for totally idiotic characters doing things solely to set-up jump scares captured by ridiculous, unmotivated camera moves.
It all depends on what the object of the eating is— for me, chips are a conveyance of salsa. Them being tasty enough to snack on on their own is a bonus, but not the goal.
"In fact, society normally metes out a hell of a lot more punishment to victims of rape than to rapists."
No offense, but any culinary opinions from someone with your username is highly suspect.
I'm not sure he actually was. He sure as hell didn't have any idea what happened in the OT when he wrote the prequels.
Of course, none of that would matter if the media companies hadn't sold themselves off to the largest conglomerates they could find.
As virtually everyone else is saying here, there wouldn't be a problem if you weren't creating it in the first place by making up new definitions for terms already in existence.