
Amen. What confuses me more than anything else is why these guys even give a fuck, especially when most of them had no intention of seeing the film anyways.

Oh, FFS. The theater wasn't discriminating in the first place. They were simply setting up a screening where they suggested only women buy tickets. Men could, and at least one did, buy a ticket. What the theater was doing is no different than offering to screen a movie for an old-folks home.

How about this one: the theater wasn't actually prohibiting men from buying tickets.

That's certainly a lot of big words. Did you pick them intentionally, or was it just a lucky streak of your word-a-day-calendar?

Better quality trolls please.

Serious question: What's the problem with universal background checks?

Totally agree that the problem is the
motivation behind the violence and not necessarily the tool, and Prohibition only works for those who profit from enforcing it.

Aside from being more than a little creepy, that's totally disingenuous.

Oh, the apers definitely deserve most of the blame. But as a style, I detest it in the first place, so I reserve some complaint because the original idea itself is a poor one.

That's really not what I'm saying, and your failure to interpret words as written does not excuse you tossing inaccurate labels at me or anyone else.

And back to ad hominem. Anything to avoid actually engaging with an idea that you disagree with, I guess.

I've had plenty of arguments with @avclub-4ffb0d2ba92f664c2281970110a2e071:disqus over the years, but he's definitely not a sock-puppet. Do a little homework before you make a claim like that, all it takes is hovering over an avatar for a second to look at comment counts.

Well, we've been through ad hominem and moving the goalposts, so yes, circular reasoning would be the next step.

"Intend doesn't matter" Three words. That's pretty fucking absolutist.

I'm against absolutism in societal interactions, whereas it seems to be your default. I don't think it gets us anywhere.

"Once again, intent does not matter at all."

No, the problem is with people that see only one degree of racism (or any form of offense, really), and mete out the same level of response, ignoring that context that @Wearefloatinginspace2:disqus was referring to.

"But either way, the guy really should have known better than to say that."

If HBO was going to fire him, they'd probably have done it with their response. Maher apologized and the Twitter crowd will be onto some stupid thing Trump does by Monday.
