I know there are other words, but really, why bother when the same ones I use on every comment work so well.
I know there are other words, but really, why bother when the same ones I use on every comment work so well.
"The real question is will The Winds of Winter be out by 2019?"
To be perfectly honest, I've never seen any of Greengrass' films, including the Bourne movies, but I feel confident saying that no matter how good they are, audiences have reason to be pissed at him for introducing a style so easily aped but so easy to do wrong.
It was a pretty open secret at the time that Bin Laden was in Pakistan. But the Pakistanis weren't being overly helpful about the situation, and, as you say, there was no stomach for a real invasion of Pakistan. With good reason, considering they are a nuclear power.
I'm not saying that its all Stein voters' faults, but I do take a lot of issue with anyone saying that their votes for Stein didn't matter, and even more when they call it a "protest" vote.
Eh. I'm not really worried about North Korea either. Kim Jong Un might be a crazy little goofball, but he's not dumb. He's not starting that war. Mutually Assured Destruction doesn't even apply there, because there's no way that he can do more than give the US a bloody nose*, but his country would be a smoking…
As for the question, I'm not entirely sure it HAS to be ratified, as the Paris Agreement doesn't seem to have any binding quality to it, and may not even rise to the level of a true "treaty."
In at least two of the three swing states, Stein votes more than made up the difference between Trump and Clinton's win.
How about let's try to stop using the word "blame" entirely?
God I hate that analogy. Just make the fucking pie bigger.
I don't think it's complicated. She's a smart capable woman, which puts off all the sexists to begin with.
There's an awful lot of Chicken Littling going on with this.
While I totally agree that the GOP has fucked the congressional system into dazed oblivion, if be careful about advocating for concentrating more power in the office of the president.
Well, for starters, because you don't submit treaties to the House. They're ratified by the Senate.
The only bullshit grandstanding going on here is on Trump's part.
Technically, no, since GWAR itself is a singular entity (i.e. "The AVClub is angry at Donald Trump).
No one ever claimed they found official ties to the Russian government. Of course, it's an open secret that Russia frequently uses third party hackers for its cyber warfare/espionage, so the plausible deniability is nothing new.
But we did. There was no widespread support for restarting the Iraq war without the WMD stories and unofficial (but totally official) insinuations that Saddam Hussein had ties to 9/11.
CEO tells investors company is a great investment, and also, water is wet.
Well, his original statement is still accurate. Yours is just more in the right spirit.